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Crouched in the shadows HE flicked on the lighter he had just acquired.

it illuminated HIS strangely non-de script, yet handsome face. It was filled with anger and anticipation.The house itself was a typical suburban house with one exception- the walls were decorated with the decapitated heads of several animals including a tiger.Superficially this house looked normal but a closer inspection revealed several anomalies. the same could be said about its owner.The subject of the houses' owner - Gordon Abbot - was brought up several times amongst the neighbours, for his behaviour was highly irregular. Months of absence followed by months of him staying home. It was observed while he was around that he was a chain smoker and a heavy drinker and could often be seen on the roof, presumably stargazing was his hobby- because he hardly came out during the day.

Suddenly the sound of silence was broken by the sound of a doorknob turning. HE quickly extinguished the lighter.He felt something he hadn't in months now- a surge of fear. HE composed himself and got ready for the confrontation that lay ahead. HE took a deep breath and told himself that everything was under control. 

The door opened and a tall man with a slight hunch entered the house. This was Gordon Abbot. He was a man in his fifties with completely white hair a well sculpted face and an athlete's body. his eyes were cold and hard and didn't have a trace of humanity or mercy in them.

As anticipated by HIM Gordon reached for the packet of cigarettes  kept on the table and began looking for a lighter.

"need a light Gordon?"HE asked. Emerging from the shadows behind Abbot. Abbot turned around with grace and agility that did not suit his sixty year old body and smiled.

"Ah there you are. We were worried sick searching for you" Abbot said 

"Me or my body?"HE said

"Well anyway..................."Abbot said smiling

" Shut up you son of a b***h"HE said. AT the same time HE raised HIS hand revealing a GLOCK PG-6.

Abbot let out a loud, deep laugh and said" i think we both know that you don't intend to use that.For starters where's the silencer?No. i think you realised something that i did months ago i am the only way you can get your life back. I am your only friend now. you can't afford killing me."

Suddenly HIS body lost its composure. HE dropped the gun and the lighter and raised his hand in surrender.

Abbot nodded"that's more like it. So i assume you are here to make a deal right?you might as well pick up that gun and shoot yourself. Save us the trouble. Backup is gonna arrive in 15 minutes."

Abbot picked up the lighter and lit the cigarette

"You know what your biggest mistake was?Running away. You should have stayed and got yourself killed.By running away you forced me to kill your family.And now its your turn- you should have never messed with me kid. See what came out of it?I killed your family like i told you i would its time to join them.You were never a match for me. its your end kid.

"No Abbot its revenge time. You know what YOUR biggest mistake was? killing my family.don't worry i assure you that it wil be your are right i was never a match for you... you were always too weak.By the way what brand do you smoke?"

Abbot,alarmed, looked at his cigarette but it was too late. He fell down the next moment

"its payback time Gordon.Enjoy".he said with a triumphant grin

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