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1 year before



21:03- Alpha enters island on a private yacht piloted by Alpha himself.

21:04-Alpha docks the yacht, proceeds towards identification booth.

21:06- Unexpected male figure climbs down from the yacht, Alpha notices the intruder.Alpha fires sleeper instead of his primary weapon.

21:07-Alpha reaches the unconscious body of intruder, establishes his identity and stops attempts to eliminate the intruder.

21:15- Intruder brought in for further questioning.Alpha identifies man as an ally from the mission he has just executed .

23:00- Intruder regains consciousness, he is already attached to the wizard apparatus. Intruder ready for interrogation.

* *******

The thing about swimming: you don't realise how tired you are until you get out of the pool. Then the fatigue hits you, making you feel as if you had just run a thousand miles.That's exactly how He felt after he opened his eyes.His mouth was dry he couldn't feel anything below his neck everything looked like a gigantic mix of steely colours and water.He was therefore surprised to find that his mouth worked just fine though the words coming out of his mouth were not his.He couldn't make sense of what he was saying or being forced to say.The words were something like this:

" voice testing. voice testing. vocal chords in control of the wizard apparatus"

Slowly and steadily, one by one, He regained feeling in his organs, although He still had no control over them. From what He could see he was strapped to a strange metallic chair with wires and tubes attached to every major muscle of his body.Even though his surroundings were not familiar ,the threat invisible,He did not panic because he was trained for these types of situations adapting himself to his surroundings, improvising, thinking on his feet.He began to asses his surroundings, trying to learn more about the threat and possibly an escape route. He examined the machine which he was strapped to He twisted his neck so that he could see the base of the the chair He saw the letters W.A. engraved on it. It took his sleep derived brain a moment to recognise this somewhat familiar symbol, but when it did the conclusion derived was unthinkable.......he was strapped to the legendary wizard apparatus.Before he could further asses his situation a tall women with red hair and almond shaped green eyes entered the room. He could tell from one glance at her that she was one of his kind. For one thing she had the fluid movements of a ballet dancer combined with the strength of a tiger and the grace of a cat that everyone in his line of worked possessed. Her face bore the some attractive yet non-de script look that could be achieved only through professional surgery done with one purpose- concealment.For the first time since He had regained consciousness he looked at his body and was not surprised to find himself completely naked.

" Do you know where you are?" the woman asked or more aptly put interrogated.

He did not answer. For the next ten seconds nothing happened then suddenly his heart his heart skipped a beat......................not figuratively but literally,it was the most unnerving and painful experience he had ever had.His entire body turned pale his became bloodshot, vision bleary he could not breath, much less think a wave of numbness passed through his body.

The woman said" You are strapped to the most advanced piece of torture equipment on this planet. We now have control of each and every function of your body- voluntary or involuntary. So you have just one option now tell us how you got here, what you know about us, your plan. In short your mission. We have minutely examined your body-"

"yes I can see" He said looking pointedly at his naked body.For the interruption he lost his respiratory system for forty-five seconds.

"From which we concluded that you are or were connected with at least one of the intelligence agencies in the world, however the age we got from the blood tests suggests that your are too young to be employed why don't you start by telling us how you were employed and what was the purpose behind employing you? the woman continued.

"I can tell you everything except my name"He said

The woman thought for a second and said," that is acceptable for now"

But he didn't hear her. His mind was already far away remembering the fateful day when the agency had approached him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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