I simply just want to thank everyone who is taking the time to read this. It means a lot to me personally. I get that most won't like this story, it's not gory or action packed. It's simply a realistic fictional story with emotions, plot twist, and fourth wall breaking. I know this isn't everyone's forte, so just read the first chapter, and take it as you will. If you have read the book So B. It, this is kind of like that book. It's realistic and not a action packed thriller, so reader beware.
Also, an update (September 2017) this is a HARD story/book to write. It takes a lot to write this for me personally. It's gets me into a slump. I write a part but then I'm so depressed from being in that state of mind. It ruins me to the point I just can't write anymore. However, I am going to write another story just for fun to try to keep me out of that funk and allow me to write more on it. I am working on the 4th chapter currently but like I said, it takes a lot to finish it, so it'll be a while. Just bear with me, please, and hopefully within the next 2 years I finish this story and you all get to read it! Thank you all so much for going on this journey with me, it means a lot.
Update October 2017
I'm going to attempt to start updating regularly, as in the first and third Monday of every month. I am also going to start posing questions at the end of the chapters for those that want some discussion and such. Thank you again!Don't steal. It's illegal and this is a personal work for me to write. I will take whatever legal action necessary if someone does plagiarize. Thank you.
Don't Let Me Remember
General FictionA young man is trying to make it in the world after the unfortunate death of the love of his life. He tries to fight to stay in the real world with his job and social life, but drugs play a big part of his life, as well as anxiety and depression. Wi...