Lose Control

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Yeeeeeah! I'm on a roll with the updating thing :) I hope you enjoy. And tell your friends about this... if that's not weird.


"...What?" My voice quivers. He lets go of my arms, and I quickly pull them to my chest in a protective cocoon-like way. 

"You heard me." His eyes challenge mine, and he lets up some of his body weight so I can move around a bit.

"Why?" I try to sit up and back away from him. Surprisingly, he lets me. I draw back, slowly, hesitantly, to my headboard and settle there, knees up. I try to make myself smaller. My clear blue eyes search him for any hints that he's joking around. He's not.

"Because you said you would." He counters, catching me in my own words. A smirk falls onto his lips. I glare at him.

"And that's it?" I ask, hopeful.

"Probably not."  I deflate. He moves closer to me, crawling gracefully, like a predator, stalking its prey. He's so graceful... too graceful. I catch a glimpse of his canines. They're pointed dramatically. His tops and his bottoms. 

"You're a werewolf, aren't you?" I accuse. Although he would probably not feel the accusation a bad one.

"I'm impressed you figured that much out. What gave me away?" He cocks his head to the side, curious. I'm happy for the distraction.

"The way you move. Your teeth. Your body." I list off the things I've picked up on.

"My body?" His smirk widens. I want to roll my eyes, but I don't. Instead, I clarify.

"You're too fast for how big you are. You shouldn't've been able to catch up to me in the hallway. And then you made it across my bedroom in less than a second when I was at the window." I remember just how quickly that arm wrapped around me. Inhumanly quick.

"Hm. 'Spose you're right. You haven't forgotten your order, have you?" His eyebrow rises expectantly. It seems the distraction didn't last too long... I take a deep breath, drawing inner strength, and inch closer to the intimidating man. I will do this... for my family. I chant in my head. He licks and bites his lips as I get closer. His eyes lower, and I hear him take in a deep breath too. Only it's to take in my scent. His eyes droop even more. I guess I smell good.

He looks so turned on. I blush, licking my lips, and move closer. My body feels... weird. Like I actually want to kiss him. Like I need to. His breath is cool and sweet smelling as I close in on them.

And then it's like I completely lose control over my body. What was meant to be a quick peck on the mouth turns into something much, much more.

I surprise myself by reaching out fearlessly, and pulling him to my mouth. His quick intake of breath makes something inside me stir. I close my eyes, loving this feeling. Loving these lips. Loving this taste. So sweet and sticky and lazy. I move closer to him still, pushing against him so he has to sit back on his heels. I climb onto him, running my hands through his dark brown locks, and deepen the kiss. He gasps again, and, taking it as an invite, push my tongue inside his mouth.

It's so wet, and tantalizing, my head spins. He clutches my hips, shock stilling him, and I grind against his grip, churning my insides deliciously. He groans and clutches me harder, forcing me closer to him. My breasts strain against his chest. My core pushes against his straining pants. I moan, feeling drunk, or drugged... or horny. Probably horny. We continue this slow tease forever it seems. A blush spreads across my face and down my neck as my hands move to his thick neck, pulling him closer. Our breaths become haggard and occasionally stop in a surprised gasp. My hands move over his back, across his hard muscles, and knead, telling him I want more. I whimper like a bitch in heat when he breaks the kiss just long enough to remove his shirt. 

And it's more than enough time for my to snap out of the spell he's obviously put me under. His half lidded eyes don't change as the shirt comes up over his head. But mine do. They burn with rage, and deadly intent. He let me get so close. I wind back quickly and bring the heel of my hand upward to his nose, and he flops back onto the mattress, bouncing once. The sickening crunch of his nose bone being forced into his brain makes me shudder. 

I'll have to thank dad for teaching me that later. I jump off of the stranger's body, and run to my door.

But reaching the door, I look back. I don't know what possesses me to. No. Yes I do. I look back because I don't want to leave him like this. I feel my heart ache for him again. He is completely motionless on my bed, and I can see blood on my covers, but I know he isn't dead. You can't kill a werewolf like this. You can incapacitate them for a while though. So why am I standing here? I mentally yell at myself.

I hesitate at the door a moment, still looking at him, and my eyes widen. His hand twitches, then clenches. And then his other hand does the same. I stand there, glued to the spot once again before this man.

Only dad isn't here to snap me out of it.

It takes about 27 seconds for him to sit up abruptly. My mouth drops open. He shouldn't even be twitching for another 5 minutes. Unless-

Suddenly, he's right in front of me. I stand there, completely in shock. I didn't even see him get off the bed. Just how fast is he? And suddenly I know. I know why he's recovered so quickly. And I also know why he affects me so.

"You're the alpha of the Hunter Pack." I whisper.

"Yes." He whispers back.

Another cliff hanger! Sorry about that :)

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