zombie days

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just when i thought i was the only guy left......

welcome to the now corrupt world of zombies, this used to be my house in london, but now its a wreck along with every other building along here, why am i still here? because the goverment have set the army to build barriers and have set up watch towers with turrets and rockets set to kill any zombie in sight. I dont know about anyone else here, but i dont want to know what happens if it see's people coming towards it.

I have always been an outcast in society, stuck in my room all day listenin to music thinking how depressing life is, and suddenly my mum comes in screaming, "OH MY GOD THAT STUPID DICK" I immediatly got up and ran downstairs, it wasnt regular that my mum would swear, specially since dad left,

"mum whats wrong" i said but soon as i saw her i could see blood pooring from her neck through the fingers of her hand pushed agaisnt her neck.

"This freak just bite me, i thought he was just running to get somewhere, but he then runs at me" I decided to run to the kitchen and get the towels and phone for an abulance, as i finnish the call my little sister Sally comes downstairs,

"whats wrong with mommy Zack?" she says looking terrified "look Sally, mum is going to be fine, an ambulance is coming and were looking after her ok, just go back upstairs and play your Ds ok"

 she runs upstairs, I dont think she was convinced that mum was alright, but i decided to get her a drink and put the tv on while we waited for the ambulance, for some reason E4 wasnt showing friends, it was on an emergancy broadcast "if you are just joining us, stay indoors and barricade your doors, there is a riot of people on the street biting others, we will give you more details as we get it"

it seemed weird, why would people riot by biting people what do people have to gain? but then my door gets knocked repeatedly, i decided to see who it was, it was Abi from next door, i decided to open it and let her in and lock it incase this riot was true, abi normally looked like your average half girly half tom boyish gal but she looked like shes thrown on some clothes and no make up for once

"thank god your not one of them" she said panicy. "Woah woah woah, one of them? do i look like a rioter?" i said sitting her down next to my mum "Oh my god you ok?" she said to my mum who obviously wasnt ok, "i'm biten deary by these bloody rioters" she said in agony "why are they doing this, have you heard anything?"

"no but my boyfriend just freaked out about the whole thing apparently on the phone theres people breaking his windows he told me to go inside and stay safe but I didnt have the keys to the house so I assumed here with you guys is the next best thing."

Next thing i realised, my mum stopped moving, she looked pale i decided to check her pulse and nothing, i told Abi to keep an eye on her while i went to tell Sally what happend to mum but she was there watching the news in her room

"Is mum ok?" she said quietly "Sal, shes gone now," just as tears were filling her eyes we heard a scream from downstairs, i picked up Sally and ran downstairs, and there was my mum eating abi at her arm on the floor, i put Sally down and kicked my mum off her, Abi was bleeding worse than my mum did but thats not the worst part, my mum looked dead but she was breathing with an evil gaze from her eyes she then ran at me, i picked up the lamp and swung at her head, she was down twitching, i decided not to take the risk and said "Sorry mum" and repeated hit her til she stopped moving. i looked at Abi, she died aswell from the blood loss, as there was a big pool of it by her wrist, but i saw her slowly moving again, and her eyes just changed colour, i realised we was in big trouble so i ran to get the knife from the kitchen and stab her through the head, it was the most digusting thing ive ever done.

Zack!, what are you doing?" Sally screamed i looked over and said "Sal, they were dead before i killed them, thier not dead people now, thier dead zombies now. and we need to get out of here NOW.


hope you liked it and hope to post this one more regular then my other story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2011 ⏰

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