himy minecraft storey

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one day a 14 year old got stuck on a island his name is Steve one day a green thing attempt him it,s a zombie!!!! he killed it he got a feather he was hungry he killed a pig he made a fire .he ate it he killed 4 sheep to get wool and wood to make a bead he sleep until dawn he made a greater shelter he was waking around the island he saw a green 4 legs no armies it blew up it took 5 harts he went back to his shelter he went to bead he woke up and made mush Rome soup his health came back .next morning he walked around the island again he sell a spider it seven,t attack but i did then it did but i killed it before it touch me ikappt going i sall aboy i yield fore him he herd me he turned around he took me to his shelter i loved it!!! he gave me a stories about the island about the monsters. to be continuous

sorry it,s short pleas put comments below thank you

part2. he told him about the most dangerous they blow up one day Steve got blast ed up by a creeper sorry it's short put comments part3 just to teel you i putting parts one one stories ok .he suvived the blast he onley has one haret he went back to his shelter he made mushroom stow now he has 6 harts he made a fire and made a bead he sleep inttell dawn he would around he sall a skeleton with a bow he sall me he shot abow at my head he miised i ran to my shelter he followed when i went in he walked away i sleep sorry short to be continued he woke up hungry he killed a pig for parc chops

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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