Some Kind Of Wonderful

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Synopsis: This is the story of a girl and a boy in a long lost kingdom, where the prince swoops the princess on his horse and takes here away from her sorrows and pains....

Okay, it wasn't that long ago. Probably a couple of months back dated, and it really wasn't a prince and a princess. It was just the result of two chemicals reacting; the attraction which was created when two parallel universes collide.

Sorry if I'm screwing the up grammar or something. I just get lost sometime while writing. And lets see how this one goes on the basis of which I can kick start further chapters =D

Sophiya Johnson

The food was hot, hot enough to burn my insides and threaten to fuel my already scorching heart; but I cared less about the food for the moment. I just wanted the damn voices in the background to fade; at least a moment of silence would be appreciated by me.

They were doing it all over again, fighting like cats and dogs. Abusing each other, accusing each other; and who was the one suffering in this chaotic mess?


I was fed up of their fighting and non-stop taunting, but what could I tell them? After all they were the parents and I was the kid.

I was just hoping the earth would open up and swallow me in it, but fantasies never come true.

"Sophie! Did I ever cheat on him; tell this disgusting man the truth!"

Oh, there she went again; asking me to fall into this.

Eighteen years of my life were less of a mess, which I had to go about with another year of taking all this shit.

"No Mother, you are not at fault"

Now I realized what they meant when they said "A parrots constant repeating can get irritating"

But there was something wrong with this phrase, because it was not the people around me going crazy, IT WAS ME!

"So Sophiya, you mean to say I'm the one at fault?!?"

The water was high above already and Daddy's comment increased it by another level.

I was through taking all this!

I was floating in an ocean of anger, when suddenly I heard an explosion!

I think it was my brain exploding, but the thunder was fading away under my own firm and loud voice now.

"Will you to stop thinking about yourselves already? Divorce each other when you can't stand each other. Oh wait a second, you guys did divorce each other but you were too in love to handle the distance, so you got back and made my life a living hell. Finish this f***ed up marriage already and give me some peace for myself!"

And the next thing I felt was a hot burning sensation on my right cheek.

Yeah you guessed it right my mother planted one on my cheek and grounded me for an entire month!

How nice!!!!

Well its good I applied for college at a reside-in college! Especially, far away from this maniacal environment.

It's time for me to pack my things up and get ready to run, because if I don't do that I'll surely land up in bed with a man like my father pretty soon!

So this is me Sophiya Johnson, and my miserable life. Hoping that it will change once I get into college. And for once I'll be happy to get out of this orthodox mess called a "family"

One thing was for sure! Marriage, love and passion were words that did not belong to my dictionary. And glamour was something that was forcefully erased due to my parents' conserved attitude.

But this year, things will turn 360 degrees.

Because I sure as hell will get what I want!


I had posted this synopsis somewhere previously but was never inspired to complete the thing.

But this website has inspired me to start all over again and this is my first actual attempt at anything in creative writing.

If you have actually read it; please comment and let me know whether I should continue or not. Would mean a lot <3 =D

- Sabi

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2011 ⏰

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