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By the time I summed up enough courage to step foot outside, the music from the Grimmnasium was pounding.

I glance nervously back at Daring, waiting for him to follow, but he simply stares at me.

"Aren't you coming? Surely Apple'll be disappointed if you don't," I say, trying to hide my shock; when would Daring ever miss a ball?

Daring cracks a smug smirk. "She won't be missing out. She's coming here for the night."

Oh. Then.

After that I duck out of the dorm as quickly as possible, slamming the door behind me and rushing down the hallway, doing my best not to run- and failing- because even though Daring had completely grossed me out, I still had a date with Raven. I force myself not to squeal like a girl.

When I make it outside, the chill of the night seeps in and I shiver, suddenly remembering that I'd left my coat in my room. I sigh- there would be no going back to get it now. I'm already late as it is. I decide to deal, be the man, and stride through the courtyard. I try not feel nervous.

It's really, really hard.

What if Raven doesn't like the hair gel? What if she doesn't like me?

I never got to find out.

A loud, piercing shriek echoes through the night, strangely familiar. Whatever it is, it's freaking me out.

I'm walking through the Enchanted Forest to the Grimmnasium- Daring told me that I should take Raven through here on the way back because it's super romantic, and I mainly wanted to get the path right so I wouldn't get us both lost. It's really dark and I squint in the darkness, up at the sky. It's so dark...

Suddenly the world lights up, like a spark, and everything turns an orange hue as I spin around, almost blinded. But soon enough it goes out, and I'm left shocked.

Another shriek.



Then I realize-


Dexter in DistressWhere stories live. Discover now