Astrologically Challenged

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"We need to ta- what are you looking at?"

"A horoscope."

"Oh...but I thought you didn't like them."

"Actually, I hate horoscopes. They lie every single damned time."

"Not to me they don't."

"Sure. You were saying something."

"We need to break up."

"I agree."


"I fell in love with you before you were the one who sang about my problems in your songs, and before you tried to evolve me into your version of a better me and before I saw how you treated your neighbour's dog and before I knew how much you believed in horoscopes."

"What's wrong with horoscopes?"

"Nothing, except for the fact that you never really thought of it as a novel idea that you share the same day as one twelfth of the world."

"Well you aren't-"

"I'm not so perfect myself, I know. You loved me better before you read my poetry and understood how damaged I was and knowing about my temper tantrums and wished I wasn't so intensely passionate about my pipe dreams."

"Everything is always so logically put with you."

"What do you expect? I gave you my heart a year and a half ago and you've had them both beating in your chest to keep you strong. Now you're going to give it back, all broken and damaged and I'm going to break with it."

"This is it, then."

"It's been a long time coming."

"You already knew?"

"Oh baby. I knew it was broken the minute I began to look at horoscopes to tell me how we were going to make it through the day."

// an

Some people follow every single word their horoscopes say to the point that they make them true. This is one of those stories with one of those people.

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