{Chapter 2}

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(Y/n) quietly walked around the base. Observing her new surroundings.

She walks around some more. Avoiding the men, still scared of them. She walks down a corridor and comes across paintings. She was fascinated in them.

She lightly brushed her fingertips across a painting,"Beautiful..."She whispers under her breath.

"I see you are interested in art, madame."Says a French voice.

"Ah!"She crouches down, her arms over her head and shaking in fear. The Spy looks at her with an eyebrow raised. She peeks up at him, his steel blue irises pierce her (e/c) irises and she cowers again looking away.

"Zere is no need to be afraid. I am not going to hurt you. And neizer is anyone else 'ere."Spy says holding his hand out to her.

She glances at his hand for a moment, then takes it. He helps her up.

"So. You are interested in art, yes?"Spy asks her. She shyly nods. He smirks,"Well, I'm glad you 'ave a good taste in art, cher. I painted zese."

"Th-They're very g-good..."She says quietly. "Merci."He says. They both stare at each other for a moment. (Y/n) realizes how long they were staring at each other and looks away, her cheeks turning a deep shade of pink.

'She is so mignon when she blushes.' Spy thinks to himself smirking.

"I-I should b-be h-heading to my r-room now..."She says walking away embarrassed.

"Of course. I will see you during supper. Rendez-vous, mademoiselle."He says walking off, lighting a cigar while he was at it.

(Y/n) arrives to her room and sees her bags placed on her bed. Her room was fairly sized. A queen sized bed. A window. A desk. Shelves and closets. Etc.

She closes the door behind her. She sighs and unpacks her bags.

{Time Skip}

When (Y/n) finishes unpacking, she walked to the dining area where supper was being take place.

She arrived there, and peeked her head through the doorway.

Engineer notices her,"Hey, darlin'. Come on in. Dinners ready. Tonight we're havin' meatloaf."He says.

She nods and timidly walks in. All the men take their seats and there was one last seat right between Medic and Spy.

She shyly sits down. Engineer hands her plate of food and she said a quiet thank you.

"Oh, darlin'."He says taking out a red envelope out from his pocket,"Miss Pauling sent requirements for you."He says handing her the envelope.

She timidly takes the envelope from his hand and opens it. She reads it. As she read her eyes stop at one part, and she blushes madly.

Medic takes notice to this and looks at what part she was reading.

"Oh. Zat requirement..."He says.

"What's the matter, toots?"Scout asks her.

"Little girl's face red like tomato!"Heavy said.

(Y/n) looks up at the men,"I-Is it r-r-really n-necessary to share a-a sh-shower with all n-nine m-m-men? At th-the same t-time when it's time to-to shower?"She asks her face blushing badly.

"Well, yeah. You're part of the RED team and it's required to take a shower at the same time with the rest of us."Scout says.

"Don't worry, darlin'. The showers are divided. You can hit take the shower in the back of the shower room so no one can see you."Engineer says.

"Th-Then how a-am I g-g-going to get t-to the back? W-Without l-looking at yo-you guys?"She asks.

"Hiah's the thing, sheila. Joist keep ya hed down at all toims. But watch where ya going as you're walkin'."Sniper says as he ate.

(Y/n) nods shyly.

"Vut jou kan alvays take a shower earlier zen us."Medic suggests.

She nods again.

"But... I don't mind the girl lookin at me. I mean, what girl cannot want to see all this?"Scout says.

"Easy, Scout. All of zem."Spy says.

Everyone laughs, beside (Y/n) who thought it was kinda funny and Scout who didn't find it funny at all.

"Go to hell, Spy."Scout says.

And that's how it went for the rest of the afternoon. Everyone laughing and talking as they ate. While (Y/n) sat there eating quietly.

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