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Shizuko: Yees! Our first dare and its beautiful!

Kumi: tell us~

Shizuko: @TraceyLiu5 She dares everyone to punch Ren where ever they want.


Ren: WHAT?!

Shizuko: No,Masato you go first.

Masato: Thank you~*cracks knuckles*

Ren: uuhh...

Masato: punches Ren in the guts*


Shizuko: ooh that gotta hurt.

Kumi: Im next! *punches him in the crotch*

Ranmaru: damn! Next! *puches him the face*

Syo: punches him in the back*

Reiji&Otoya: backs up*

Camus: punches him in the eye*

Tokiya: punches him in the side*

Cecil: oh my...

Ren: dying*

Shizuko: I would really like too but....

Masato: I could do it for you *cracks knuckles*

Shizuko: No I'll do it. *punches him in the nose*

Ren: died*

Kumi: REN!

Masato: round 2?

Kumi&Shizuko: NO!

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