Journey to the center of the earth

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Angeline's POV:

Authors note.

this is the story about learning science,great adventures and more... this story pop out my head and i type it if this is from other website i didn't know so...heres the story and you dod'nt need to buy the Amazon Book of Journey to the center of the earth coming soon 2 and 3 (i know the Journey 3 might be on 2014 pls be 2013)



The movie begins with a man with brown curly hair running from a dinosaur when suddenly the earth cracks beneath him, and he begins to fall into the crack…which is filled with molten lava.  As he falls, he calls out to “Trevor”.  Just then, Trevor (Brendan Fraser) wakes up from a dream, only to stare at a picture of he and his brother, the curly haired man who fell into the crevice.

We quickly learn that Trevor is a professor who is trying to follow his brother’s work, but has quickly run out of money, support, and at seems time.  It seems that his brother initially invested in placing several volcanic monitors all over the world, but now only 3 are working [IMPORTANT].  His lab is being converted to a storage room, and he mocked badly by a snobby professor.  Trevor teaches a class on volcanic activity…only he has few students in the classroom, and all of them look quite bored. 

Trevor arrives home, only to notice his answering machine flashing with 4 messages.  All of them are from his sister-in-law, who states that she’s on her way with Sean (Josh Hutcherson), Trevor’s nephew and his brother’s son.  We also note that Trevor’s brother has been missing for 10 years now, and that Trevor is quite a sloppy house keeper. 

Trevor’s SIL arrives with Sean in tow, and Sean is not happy to be there. And Trevor is not happy to have him.  Trevor’s SIL gives him a box before she leaves, and Trevor opens it to find a baseball glove, something he can’t identify as well as a book “Journey To The Center Of The Earth.”  In the book, Trevor notices a series of notes that his brother has made and realizes that they all correspond to the 3 remaining volcanic monitors back at his soon to be closed lab.  Sean goes with Trevor to the lab, and Trevor starts to explain that each of the volcanic markers noted almost exactly the same volcanic activity…and just as he mentions this, the monitors all change to become EXACTLY what Trevor’s brother notes in the book.  Trevor explains that he has 3 volcanic monitors left that his brother set, and Sean attempts to correct him…because he sees 4 on the computer monitor.  The 4th monitor is located in Iceland, and Trevor believes that he could find his missing brother there.  Trevor wants Sean on a plane back to his mother, but Sean reminds him that Trevor’s brother is his father, and he comes along with Trevor to Iceland.

Once in Iceland, Trevor and Sean get lost but wind up at an old cabin, which is actually a scientific organization that they were searching for anyway.  They knock at the “organization” which is actually a rundown cabin, and a lovely blond woman (Anita Briem) named Hannah answers.  They ask for the leader of the organization, and quickly find out that the gentleman was Hannah’s father, who has been dead for 3 years.  Hannah invites Trevor and Sean inside her cabin, and they find out that Hannah’s father and Trevor’s brother both actually believed that the book, “Journey To The Center Of The Earth” was real, and they attempted to find the center of the earth themselves.  Trevor asks Hannah to help him find the way to the 4th volcanic monitor, and she agrees to be their paid guide…for $5000 dollars an hour.  They set off for the summit of a mountain, and Sean and Trevor find that Hannah is quite a capable and fit guide.  Sean calls “first dibs” on Hannah, and Trevor and Sean argue all the way to the top of the mountain over the fact that Sean is only 13 years old and cannot call first dibs on a woman, because Trevor should be given first dibs.  Sean ignores Trevor and follows after Hannah happily.

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