Ch.7 Jake gets kidnapped.

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As Maria began to run behind a wolf, Jake and I were being surrounded. But they weren't werewolves. They were vampiric shape shifters.

"What the hell is going on?" Jake asked.

"Maria tricked you! She's actually the enemy. She's trying to overrun us Jake." I said.

"Yes, it begins with a tragic beginning. You're mother cursed me Jake. I cannot harm you. But fortunately they can. It's a shame Jake, you were always a handsome young guy." Maria said.

I got really angry. I mean more than I usually get. I felt as if I were a demon. The ones who like to kill.

"Juliana go! You're not able to fight. I'll hold them off." Jake said.

"No. I'm not leaving you." I said.

"Go!" Jake said.

Maria laughed.

"Get them!" Maria shouted.

Then, hundreds of shape shifters came upon us. Jake bit many. They turned to dust and smelled like sewer. Don't vampires bathe? I fought some off too. But the two of us were not enough. We were far from our pack. Then, I did what I had to do. I howled. Howling is like a distress signal or a celebration yell. Depends on which occasion it is. Jake looked at me like I was crazy. But in a blink of an eye, hundreds of werewolves came. They started to attack. Serena was an awesome fighter. Always has been. She was born from a long line of warriors. In a matter of minutes, all the vampiric shape shifters were gone. We were all in dust. Maria looked angry. Then she hissed. She turned into the worst monster I've ever seen in my life. A demonic vampire. Basically she's like the devil, only 10x worst. We all stepped back.

"Good job. But that was only the beginning. They'll be plenty of more where that came from. But for now I'll have to take a gift." Maria said.

A deep red glow formed around Jake and he started moving toward Maria.



I tried to grab him but Maria, hit me with a black spark that caused me to fall back. Behind Jake was a black hole. A red hand appeared and grabbed Jake and sucked him into the black hole. Maria disappeared in a ball of smoke. Our leader was gone with the devil.

"What now?" A werewolf asked.

"We're doomed." Another werewolf said.

I wept beside Eve's body.

"What do I do?" I whispered.

Then Eve's body shimmered into a gold powder. I could hear her voice.

"It's time!"

"It's time!" I repeated.

I looked around me, all my friends and former pack members. They were scared. So was I. But we had to do something, or else we would be doomed.

"No we're not!" I shouted.

What do you mean?" Serena asked.

"Well, all these years Jake has been very kind to us. He helped us. He cared for us. Now we must honor him, we must fight Maria and her shape shifting peers." I said.

"How? It's impossible! You've seen Maria, theirs no way." A werewolf said.

"Yes, we can together! If we work together, we can defeat Maria and the shape shifters. With the warrior's strength, the outlook's brains and our friendship we can! We have until next week's full moon. So what do you say? For Jake?" I said.

"For Jake!" Everyone howled.

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