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Zayn's POV

All I can remember after reaching the end of the tunnel was a thin object coming for my face. I felt an blow to my face as Tulane himself suffered the hit as well. The pain fainted as the darkness settled in and I became unconscious.
As I gain my conscious slowly and the feeling of a cold floor. The sound of a people begging and crying. I opened my eyes and there I was in the center of the wall was a stone fireplace. The walls were crawling with dead vines. A small stack of twigs and two black stones that were on top of the fireplace.
I sat up with a little shiver of the chilly breeze coming from the thin window of the crumbly wall. I could hear the footsteps of the guards coming to the steel door. Just then I saw a tall man standing and the little container in his hand. I looked into his eyes little by little I kept think of the ways that I could escape this godforsaken prison. The man was old and had a gray strike of hair from the sideburns, slimming back. 
As I stared bits of Colin resembles in his features, I bared my teeth with protection. He smiled and pulled the chair from the entrance, gesturing his hand to allow me to sit on the old bed. With unease I sat with my back straight for a perfect head start if I was attacked.
In one hand he held a two crest folded paper and a little disparate in his eyes. He sighed and looked side to side and back into my eyes. He reminded me of Colin, he raised his hand as I leaned backwards into the chair. The paper made a crumbling sound, I stared at the as the results on the paper read that the blood had a high pressured and a little result of the werewolf venom when mating in the blood system.
I turn to the next paper and there things got weird the estrogen level increased over the few months and is still increasing.
"Doctor Boris is actually been testing if there anyway to make a better weapon in the the combination of the vamps and lycan species, and you're living proof that it is."
I couldn't breath and there the sounds began to deafen from my surroundings, my heart beat increased.
He stood for his chair and he standed in front of me and I gripped the sheets. Anger and frustration filled me and there things seemed to be spinning. I stood up fast and pointed at him. "What did you do to me?! What did you do?!" he smiled as he looked down. He chuckled and it developed into a laughing roar. "You think that i did this to you? No, i didn't because the one i did experiment on is Colin." His words echoed, making my stomach turn. I felt nauseated and sick. “ You see when he was little the only situation was to have alpha blood and he had more alpha cells. So I injected with him will a vampire strain of DNA.” Crazy. I thought, “ you're insane. I can't be pregnant or with a lycan child. It's just... Impossible." he stared at me and smiled with his teeth showing. “ Science. Isn't. Impossible. You see, you need a smart group of people, who understands lycan and vampire species to combine them." He chuckled.
The sad emotion erupts insanely inside. Tears rolled down my cheeks and the side of my face. I hyperventilate with shock and awareness. The world around me moved in motions as shifted. I fell on my back looking up at the ceiling as my senses became numb.
The word echoed and there the world turned and twist from my shocking truth. I'm pregnant with my werewolf mate's baby.

Unknown: Book 1 (Unknown Series)Where stories live. Discover now