Chapter 1

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"Lauren, wake up!" My mother yelled, yanking the comfortable sheets off my body. I groaned, realizing today was my first day of school. A huge knot formed in my stomach as I got out of my tiny bed.

Various thoughts were going through my mind. Since I'm originally from Florida, and now I'm in New Jersey, was the environment totally different at the schools? Most likely, since I've heard plenty of things about New Jersey, some positive and some negative.

I rarely got any sleep last night, 3-4 hours maybe. I felt like I was going to throw up any second. My mother finally gave me a kiss on the cheek, insisting everything would go well today at school. I knew she was right, but I couldn't control how I was feeling. The thing I was most scared about was making friends.

I walked into the bathroom to go take my shower. I looked in the mirror, noticing the big bags under my eyes, caused by lack of sleep. Thank god for makeup. I slowly took the light clothing off my body and proceeded to go into the shower. The hotness of the shower water calmed my nerves just a bit. Not too much, though.

After an hour of getting ready, which consisted of a whole lot of makeup, curling my hair, and picking an outfit, I went downstairs to be greeted by my parents and two siblings. My brother would also be going to the same school as me since he was going to be a sophomore, while I would start my senior year, while my little sister was in 8th grade. You might be thinking, why would I move my senior year? My father got a great job offer, and we all thought it would be great for both him and the rest of the family if he took it.

The car ride to the school was complete silence. It was so quiet I could hear my heart thumping in my chest. I hated feeling so anxious, it was hell.

We finally got to school, and me and my brother Chris said our goodbyes to the family.

"You'll both do great, have a great day, love you!" Mom said giving us a kiss on the cheek.

Chris and I departed our own ways when we got in school. I had a hard time trying to find first period, which was Criminal Justice. I've always been interested in being a homicide detective. I knew it would take a lot of work, but it would be worth it in the end.

I finally found the room in my relief thanks to a young boy, who seemed to be a upperclassmen. He was pretty cute, and invited me to sit with him at lunch, which I accepted of course. I was relieved that I wouldn't have to sit all alone at lunch my first day.

As the day was going on, I found myself in Trigonometry. I walked into class, finding myself mesmerized by a girl with shoulder length blue hair. I couldn't believe a girl could be so beautiful. I've always thought girls were pretty. But, being in a strict Christian household, I've never pictured myself with a girl. My parents would kill me if I ever claimed I liked girls. I loved my parents, but didn't like the fact of how homophobic they were.

The blue-haired beauty caught me staring at her and I immediately blushed and turned away.

I was the last person to arrive at class, and the only seat left was next to her.

"Hi, um, can I sit here since there's no seats left?" I said approaching her.

"Yeah you can"

I sat, turning to her.

"I'm Lauren," I said, taking in her physical features. She was absolutely gorgeous. The thing that fascinates me the most is her cheek bones, they must've been created by the gods.

"Ashley," she stated.

A pretty name for a pretty girl, I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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