White Lilies on a Winter Solstice

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The country estate was abuzz with activity. It had been for a few weeks now, considering that a wedding was going to take place there.

Yes, a wedding.

It was almost amazing to think of, considering Harry had never had that whole experience. What she had before, that private, small ceremony...that had been perfect and fine, and it had still been beautiful to her.

But now there was a wedding planner and she would get to choose everything, and her husband was there to be with her and help choose, and...

It created a warm feeling inside of her, as well as tears in her eyes.

"Are you alright?" a warm hand covered hers, and she looked to see Giovanni watching her carefully.

"Wonderful," she said, her voice trilling slightly.

He smiled. "I'm glad then. So our wedding party and guest list have been sorted. The planner will handle getting everything set up and reserved. We just had your engagement party and you had a bachelorette party recently. How was that by the way?"

She blushed lightly. "Alright. Although, I'm surprised Cyrus was there." She laughed a little about that.

Giovanni rolled his eyes. "My fellow boss has no knowledge of social norms. I swear..."

"Rufus will be the officiant, since he's now Minister of Magic and can make sure we're legally married in the Wizarding World as well. Not that the bond ceremony doesn't make us legal and official enough," she added.

"James and Butch have volunteered to be the photographers, while Petrel and Proton will be the videographers," Giovanni told her, and she nodded as she remembered the four men that Giovanni had introduced to her.

"Mrs. Weasley and Ash insisted they were going to make the food," Harry hmmed. "And we have a bunch of people offering to do the entertainment."

"Of course there are," Giovanni muttered, thinking just exactly who she was talking about from his side of things. "Did you get your dress?"

Harry smiled widely. She hadn't thought so much about the difference of choosing one's wedding dress, but faced with the thought of it and finally going and choosing it...she had been so happy and it was beautiful and perfect in her eyes.

"That's a yes," he smirked. "I've got my tuxedo. The groomsmen and the bridesmaids have gotten their clothes. All those who need a ride will get to be picked up by my Rockets, and there's room here for those who need a place to stay overnight."

"The wedding invitations were sent out, and Ariana and Domino have taken charge and are making sure the estate's cleaned up and decorated, as well as making sure everything will be ready for the wedding. They are also making sure everything we chose will be accepted and nothing gets mistaken or messed up."

Giovanni gave her an unsure look. "Those two won't be...fighting?"

Harry shook her head, knowing his fears of the two headstrong women who tended to fight when it came to matters outside of Rocket business. And having just met Domino, the blonde certainly wasn't about to let Ariana get her way easily, even if she was younger than the other...

"No, they promised. They also promised to make sure the music, flowers -especially the bouquet -and everything else will be fine. So don't worry about them."

He was still worried, considering he knew the two women, but he let it slide for now.

"So...the closest to us during this time promised to give a toast -Archer, Ariana, Ash, and even Cyrus. Sirius also wanted to give one."

Il Silenzio Delle Stelle Cadenti [Harry PotterxPokemon Crossover Fanfic, 2015 PKMNWatties]Where stories live. Discover now