As all stories i shall start from the beginning. it starts with me in my bed. i wake up to yelling from my mother. "Get the fuck out of bed" yelled my mother to my brother. this is my alarm every morning. it has been like this since my sister died. "i told you to get the fuck down now “yelled my mother. My brother responded " I’ll get down in a minute". i almost sneak past my mother before i hear "where do you think you’re going". i respond in a calm tone to annoy her " to school mother now may i leave". she says " OK get out of my sight ". i then arrive at school and i meet up with my friends. " hey Demetri how’s it going" says Anastasia as she finishes tying her fiery red hair up in a ponytail " fine" i respond as i kiss her on her pale white cheek. "yo what about me" says Dante. "Sure come over here" i say playing around as we fist bump. we talk till i get to my first period. ms.Gorden is a fat woman who never gets up from her seat, some of us think she is glues to it. she has been labeled the worst teacher in the school by even the teachers. she sits in her chair and criticizes her students. As i sit she asks if i have my i.d. "no" i respond as i receive a detention. I sit down and pull out my book i notice something sticking out of my book so i open to that page, "your next”. I ignore thinking it is some kind of prank but it says with my in the back of my mind like a horror novel. When class finishes i start walking to my next class i see Derrick attacking Dante. At this moment is when i walk in and ask Derrick "what is the problem", he says this fucking kid stole my phone. Dante says "no i didn't ". Derrick grabs him by the shirt and i react, i grab his arm and i punch his diaphragm. He gasps for air, as he bends down to catch his breath i elbow him in the back of the head. After i am done i ask Dante if he is OK, then i walk to next period as if nothing happened. Mid-way through my class i am called into the office.
As my Principal is lecturing me i notice a medical degree in the back of the room. He sends me out of the room but as i turn around he has a slight grin on his face. By the time i get to lunch i am starving. as i see my friends Derrick bumps into me as if done on purpose, i then yell " are you going to pick it up or do i have to wait", he response "well you will have to wait won’t you now". I said "aw how cute the dunce knows how to make a comeback"
I wait for him to get angry but then he picks up my plate and slams it in my chest “I’m sorry “he said. I was blown away by the fact that he was kind. I forget about that for now class is about to start. I go through the rest of the day as usual. As i arrive at detention at the appointed time, i see no here. I sit down as if i was in detention then i feel a sharp pain in the back of my neck.
I wake up on a surgical table strapped down. A shadowy figure shows up above me, in anger i seed "who the fuck are you”. They answer “no one you need to worry about now, just sleep tight wile i prep you". Fear strikes my body, “i am immobile trapped in the dark with a psyco maniac what can go wrong". I fell a sharp pain in the back of my neck again; i get tired a doze off. as i doze off i notice a petri dish that has a label wolf samples. as i feel drowsy i the clang of metal, I’m out.
altered reality
Fantasythis is a story about Demetri and his alter ego Dexter, he finds out about dexter when he is subdued to testing in his dream. he goes on a long adventure through his subconcius as tries to find out what happens to him.