Chapter 1~Winter days

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As Henry stared out of the window he saw something that caught his attention, a snowflake drifted down and landed on the ground his face quickly lit up as he ran through the apartment and woke everyone up.

Emma lay in bed in a state that was neither sleep nor awake but so she was just aware to look at the man laying next to her, she gazed upon his hair, face, skin and his eyes... she desperately wanted to wake him up with a kiss but he looked so peaceful. She was about to drift off when she heard Henry shout something. "Quick everyone wake up, hurry up!" He shouted throughout the apartment and Emma quickly responded, she grabbed Killian by the arm to wake him up and then darted down the stairs to her son. "Henry! What's wrong?" She asked as she gasped for breath and grasped Henry by the arm before being joined by Killian, David and Snow who was holding baby Neal.

"Snow!" Henry shouted with glee.

"Yeah?" Snow white replied to the boy.

"No, it's snowing" He said with a mad man's smile glowing across his face.

Emma walked over to Killian and put her head on his shoulder, he whispered in he ear "I think your boy wants to go out" He smiled at her and she nodded.

"So Henry what do you suggest we do about this crazy weather?" He sarcastically asked the boy who looked at him with puppy eyes and then turned to Emma.

"Please Mom" She then smiled at the boy and nodded, Henry then ran to his room and shouted.

"Everyone get ready!" The grown up's started to giggle and retreat to their rooms to get dressed.

15 minutes later

Everyone gathered in the streets of Storybrooke, almost the whole town was there and they were all having tons of fun, Emma saw that Robin and Regina were sitting on a bench watching Roland play. Emma smiled remembering when they discovered that Marian was not actually Marian but Zelena, let's just say they dealt with the situation. Suddenly Emma felt a cold blast on the back of her head and turned around to see Killian with both pf his arms behind his back and whistling like a naughty child so she sneakily gathered up a snowball in her hand and walked over to him.

"Well hello M'lady" He sad with a bow.

"Greetings good Sir, would you happen to know anything about a snowball hitting my head just seconds ago?" She asked with a smile across her face and a British accent.

"Why no" He said with a smirk.

"Well then you wont see this one coming!" She quickly said as the snowball made contact with his face. She ran away but quickly followed by the pirate who gathered her up by the waist and picked her up.

"No! Let me go!" She shouted at him but she couldn't help but laugh as he put her down in the snow, they both ran off leaving the rest of the town on Main street and themselves going into the forest surrounding the town, Emma was in front but Killian soon caught up and threw a snowball at her.

"Oh Captain, that's not good form is it?" She asked whilst hiding behind a tree.

"Oh Miss Swan you haven't seen anything yet" He said whilst searching for her.

Emma ran up behind him and jumped on his back and put snow down the back of his shirt causing him to squirm around as the ice made contact with his back. Emma couldn't help but laugh at him as he moved around trying to rid himself of the cold but he soon tackled her to the floor of the forest and spoke to her.

"You think that is funny Swan?" He asked with a trying to be serious look on his face, she nodded with a smile and wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him close to her so their faces were inches apart, "Oh Swan, you don't know wha..." He was cut off by her kiss, it was deep, passionate and caused the couple to forget everything else around them until a far off crashing sound was heard and trees were seen falling in the distance, Killian got up from Emma's grasp and with her left hand holding his right, cautiously walking towards the noise.

The couple stood in awe as they came across a house no a palace entirely made of ice, they gave each other a nod and walked in together.

The first room they entered left them both speechless, the chandelier hanging from the ceiling with hundreds of illuminated crystals giving light to the entire room, ice seats, sculptures and even a frozen fountain, Emma gazed as the ceiling gave view to every star possible. After taking in the sights they continued to explore the room but were stopped on the staircase as a woman was walking around in the upstairs room and was about to walk down the stairs, thy had to run and found themselves in the grand room hiding behind the fountain as the woman walked around as if she knew they were there and searching for them.

"Emma on three I'll distract her then you run and get out of here" Killian whispered to her.

"No, I'm not gonna leave you" She said as she grasped his hand and took the edge off the sculpture in front of them and threw it across the room, catching the woman's attention and giving the couple time to escape.

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