Revenge **A Pretty Little Liars Fictional Story**

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**Spencer's POV**    

     "Did you hear?" Aria asked us all with an intrigued tone in her voice, "apparently, Alison has a younger cousin named Megan, and she is coming to live in Rosewood for awhile." Yes, I had heard. I was honestly not sure if I should be excited for this new girl or not. From what I heard, she was only fourteen, but just because she is younger than us doesn't mean she isn't as devious as Alison.

     "Apparently, we're supposed to be the welcome wagon. My parents dropped the bomb on me this morning that I need to be nice to this little hellio-"

     "Spence," Emily inturrupted, "for all we know, this little girl could be an angel. It's doubtful, but it's possible."

     "I guess you're right. She may not be all that bad..." I rolled my eyes a bit as I spoke. I knew exactly what this cousin was going to be like. Just like Alison. Just like CeCe. Just like Jason...well...sometimes. All the DiLaurentis kids obviously come from the same gene pool. They are all devious, and evil in their own little ways.

     "I hope this cousin doesn't turn out like Maya's cousin did..." Hanna stated blankly.

     Emily quickly jumped in, "Can we maybe not talk about Nate? It was traumatizing enough for me to live through it, I don't need you guys bringing it up again." Hanna was quick to apologize, and me, having that wonderful, internal clock, figured I should probably go home. Megan could be here any minute now.

     As I walked through the door, I can sucessfully say I was shocked and overwhelmed. The girl that I had pictured, to have Alison's blonde hair, Alison's slight heart shaped face, everything like her. Was nearly the exact opposite. She was fairly short, probably around five foot three, and her dirty blonde hair was dyed red at the tips. Also, her smile didn't seem so...evil. It actually seemed kind of innocent. The one thing that stood out to me the most, was the look in her eyes. The way she looked at me, she looked victimized, as if her glare was screaming help, like she wanted to say something, but couldn't.

     "Hello," A soft voice rang out, inturupting my thoughts of mental judgement, "my name is Megan, but you probably knew that. Yanno. The cousin of THE, Ali D." I honestly liked her boldness. I could tell right now that was one thing she had inherited from Alison, but that was also one thing a lot of people had, right?

     "'s nice to meet you I suppose." I replied, giving the girl a half-hearted smile, as I questioned what her true personality might be like.

     "Spencer agreed to show you around town...since her and Alison were real close," my mother chimed in, "right Spencer?" Since when did I agree to this? I either have a god awful memory, or I never had this conversation with my mother.

     "Uhm, yeah. That's the plan." I quickly replied with. Afterall, if this little girl was a cousin of Alison's, she might give us the answers to the questions we really need.

     Most of the carride to The Brew was in utter silence. Hell, what was I supposed to say? 'So, I hear you're the cousin of my best friend, who was murdered two years ago?'. Hah. Hell no. Not happening.

     " your car." Megan said to me. I honestly just assumed she was just saying this to break the awkward silence, seemed wise to me.

     "Thanks...I think." I replied, chuckling a bit at my response. I was quick to notice Megan's blank expression, as she stared out the front window. I could tell something was on her mind, and I had a pretty good idea what it was too. All of a sudden, Megan broke the silence.

     "Okay Spencer, first of all, it wasn't your mom's idea for you to be the welcome wagon, it was mine. I need you to help me. No, first I need to ask you something."

     "Woah, slow down there Tiger. I can only process so much," I slowly replied, "please say that again, except slower."


     "I heard that part!" I exclaimed! "I heard it all! Just please explain what the hell is going on!" I loudly exclaimed, gripping onto my steering wheel slightly.

     As Megan took a deep breath, she turned to face me, and said, "I need to ask you some serious questions about Alison...about her disappearance...about everything."

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