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Dreamz ^^

Dre //:P.O.V://

I got up and got in the shower. I dry off pick out my clothes and got dressed. I flat iron my hair and did some light makeup.

I grab my phone and key and headed to the car. I hat stop at McDonald got something to eat. Then drove to the to the trap.

30 minutes later

I got out the car and walk in. Everybody look at me. "hello too yall to" i said and roll my eyes. So i got my dad office and see if was in there he was "hello father" he look up form his paper " i see u made how nice have not seen my baby girl in year." i shock my head " so who this big boss were meeting with" i say playing on my phone" he name is Brandon Dickinson he is apart of one of  the most big and powerful gang in the Chicago area"his soon to be so what does have to do with me for. " You need me cause " rollin my eyes " so u can seal the deal" i should have known.

" it will be i couple of hours before he come ok" before walking out i say "kay" then i call my boss.

*** ***

( My Boss): hey wasup

( Dre): i need to take the next few days off it my old man

( MY BOSS ): Ok

( Dre ): thanks

( My Boss ): welcome

*** ***

So I walk around looking for my brother so i go to one their office and hear moaning. So i just walk past that when to the kitchen and grab something to drink and then go watch some t.v.

Then walk my brother Dean walk in just look at me "Wat is there something on my face." He just laugh and walk way nigga these day.

I tired passing time by text ppl and calling. Then i told Dean want happen with Shew and he got mad at me said y i did call him. And i told im a big girl i can handle myself.

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