Chapter 31.

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"So are you two mates?" I asked as we continued walking through the woods. We've been around almost the entire territory delivering treats but for some reason it felt like we were being followed.

"No we aren't mates. We just haven't found each other's mates so we're dating for a little while," She said as she cautiously looked behind us.

"You feel it too right?" I whispered.

She nodded her head and we quickened our pace. There was rustling in the bushes behind us and we froze. I quickly turned around and held a trembling Victoria behind me.

"Who is out there?" I growled, readying myself to attack.

"Felicity?" A familiar voice said.

Trevor appeared out of the bushes, dirty, dingy with leaves in his hair. He had a confused but sinister expression on his face.

"Trevor what are you doing out in the woods?!" Victoria yelled.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I like to take walks to clear my mind cause it's better than drinking." His eyes flickered to Victoria and his words were laced with double meaning.

"Trevor stay out of the woods, it's not safe," Victoria warned.

"Like I'm going to listen to you. Where are you going anyways?" He questioned.

"We are going around to the patrol to deliver things to them." I said cautiously.

"Then I'll come too." He smirked.

"No!" Victoria shouted.

I gave her a questioning look.

"Trevor and Sidney don't get along." She said quietly.

"I guess you can come along but stay out of the woods." I warned him.

He nodded and we continued walking. I didn't feel safe around Trevor for some reason, it was like he was planning to do something, then again he is still a little unstable about his mate dying.

There were growls all around us and I realized we were on the edge of the border between our pack and the neutral zone.

Two wolves emerged from the bushes in an attack stance. There eyes shifted to me and immediately they bowed, recognizing me as their Luna.

They shifted righ in front of me causing me to turn my head in a different direction. I know I can't act weird about these situations but I just couldn't help it.

"Sidney!" I heard one of them yell.

"Anaïs you can look now." I heard Victoria whisper to me.

I looked up to see two guys I used to go to school with, Ricky and Micky the fraternal twins and a blonde hair grey eyed boy I wasn't familiar with. I was guessing he is Sidney.

"Anaïs you are Luna now?" Ricky asked as his eyes darted to the mark on my neck.

These twins were known for teasing me, and picking on when when everyone blamed Daniel's death on me.

"Yes I am Luna now." I said confidently.

Ricky and Micky both looked at each other with puzzling looks and then looked at Sidney who had been glaring at me the entire time. There seemed to be tension in the air, very thick.

"But I thought you killed Xavier's brother, why would he want you as his Luna?" Micky asked.

"Because I didn't kill him!!" I snapped.

Trevor looked down at the ground uncomfortably and Sidney continued staring at me.

"Well I bought cookies,
You guys are the last of the patrol so you can have the rest." Victoria handed them the basket.

They grabbed the basket and quickly began stuffing the contents into their faces.

"Victoria." Sidney finally said. He was shirtless with a giant gash on his abdomen. He stepped forward and offered his hand to Victoria. She grabbed his hand and smiled up at him.

He caught her in an embrace and whispered something into her ear. His eyes caught mine and I couldn't help but look into them. They seemed so familiar but I couldn't figure out why.....

Felicity come back it's an emergency!

Xavier shouted into my mind.

"I'm sorry Victoria I have to go, will you be fine?" I quickly said.

She nodded her head and I dashed out of the forest and straight to the pack house. I ran into the living area and looked at the pack members who were looking at me as if I was crazy. I ran up the steps and burst into the room to see Xavier laying on the bed with Rosalina laying down on his chest staring at his face.

"What's going on, what's wrong?" I quickly asked.

"I was missing you and Rose kept punching my face." He pouted.

I growled and rolled my eyes.

"I ran half way through the pack because you missed me and was getting abused by this little child?"


"You're unbelievable."


"That wasn't a compliment."

"MmmmmmmmmAHHHHHHH!" Rosalina screamed.

I walked over to the bed and flopped down causing Rosalina to slightly bounce up.

"I want more kids." Xavier said.

I looked at him raking his fingers through Rosalina's blonde hair. She was looking around at the bedroom with her big blue eyes and kept punching Xavier in the chest.

"We can make more children." I whispered in his ear. He shuddered and looked up at me, eyes slightly darkening.

I shook my head. "Not now, keep it in your pants."

He chuckled and shook his head.

"I think tonight we gather up the entire pack to recognize you as Luna." He said as he sat up.

"I don't know Xavier, what if they label me as weak and pitiful?" I asked nervously.

"Then they'll have to speak to me and that's something they don't want." Xavier growled.

Rosalina smiled and smacked Xavier's mouth.

"Ahh ahh ahh!" She screamed.

His face softened as he smiled down at Rosalina. All of a sudden his entire body tensed up.

I grabbed Rosalina out of his arms and watched as he rose off of the bed and rushed to the door. I quickly followed him trying to figure out what was happening.

"Xavier what's going on?" I asked with Rosalina bouncing in my arms.

We walked out of the pack house, I sped up to Xavier and stopped him.

"Xavier what's going on, where are you going?" I asked.

He shook his head and frowned at Rosalina.

"I zoned out, you shouldn't have brought her, take her back." He continued walking.

I huffed and sped up to him. "It's too late, the pack house is too far back now where are we going?"

He stopped walking and sighed.

"Someone tried to help Gabriel escape."


Everything is about to change.........

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