Into the Dark Mine

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Banette: Diamond.

Diamond: Yes, Master.

Banette: I need you to go get a High-Quality Gem in the Dark Mine.

Diamond: On it.

Banette: First take this.

Diamond: What is it?

Banette: You'll find out when you need it.

Dark Mine

Diamond: Got a High-Quality Gem. Where is the way out? This way! Wow. I never went this far. What is that bright light? Huh.

????: Hey you.

Diamond: Me?

????: Yes you.

Diamond: Where are you?

????: I'm right in front of you.

Diamond: Oh.

????: Hello.

Diamond: You can talk.

????: What are you here for?

Diamond: Well, I can't find my way back.

????: Just follow my light.

Banette: What took you so long!?

Diamond: I was lost.

Banette: Did you get the gem.

Diamond: I got it right here...

Banette: Did you eat them?

Diamond: No.

Banette: Get it by the day after tomorrow.

Diamond: Yes sir.

Spiritomb: What's the matter?

Diamond: I need to get a High-Quality Gem.

Spiritomb: Well I have one but you have to get rid of that crystal in deepest part of the cave.

Diamond: (He must be talking about that pink crystal.) I'm sorry but no.

Spiritomb: What!!! You shall pay.

Diamond: Huh. The stone is glowing. Woah.

Spiritomb: *Gasp*

Mega Diamond: It was a
Mega Stone. Let's do this.
Shadow Ball!

Spiritomb: Dark Pulse!

Mega Diamond: Thief!

Spiritomb: Toxic!

Mega Diamond: My ability Magic Bounce. Power Gem! Now to finish this battle. Shadow Ball!

Spiritomb: Darn it plan fail.

Diamond: Huh. The crystal.

????: This is my true form. Hi. I'm Diance.

Banette: You let Diance free. Into the dungeon with you two.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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