I hate you

655 18 13

Ruby Pratt

After dinner I went upstairs and took a bath. Baths really seemed to calm me down after a horrible day, and today was a horrible day. I recollect myself, still in disbelief about what happened with Spencer. Even the thought of his name made me want to punch a tree and, frankly, they don't deserve it. And on top of that, I still couldn't believe that I managed to get into the same school as him! With those thoughts running through my head my bath took about 30 minutes, and thank God that it really helped me. Who knows what kind of sleep I would get tonight if those thoughts kept going through my head.

I got into my pajamas, which were dark blue shorts and a white tank top. I got under my covers and rolled over to my side, trying to get some sleep. The key word trying. The thought of sleeping stopped once I heard a buzzing sound. I knew it was my phone so I rolled over and picked it up. I had one text message. Who would message me this late?

Spencer: Coffee slave! How are you!

I groaned; of course it was him, who else would annoy me while I was trying to go to sleep, not to mention this late at night. So many thoughts ran through my head as I tried to figure out if I should reply or not. I knew if I didn't reply he would give me hell, but if I did answer I would get hell. I picked the latter one, and replied.

Me: I hate you. Let me sleep and I will be your coffee slave tomorrow!

Spencer: Why would I do that, and let you ruin my fun? Only under one condition will I leave you alone... well for tonight at least haha

Me: Anything? And you promise to let me go to sleep tonight?

Spencer: Yes. But you have to answer 5 questions.

I groaned for the second time that night. Alright, I had had enough of him. First, he woke me up from my almost sleep, and now he wants me to answer five questions. He should go and fall in a well and have birds eat him.

Me: Fine.

Spencer: Great! So do you think I'm hot? Haha

Me: No. NEXT!

Spencer: Wait no, I was joking that isn't the first question. You don't have to be serious all the time >:P

Me: Nope, sorry you asked, I answered. So NEXT! And seriously, that smiley?

Spencer: Hey don't hate on my smileys >:P Fine, I'll let that one count... Okay so how old are you?

Me: 17... you?

Spencer: Seriously?!? I thought you were 15 haha I'm 17 too

Me: Somehow you just made me hate you more. Now, next question. I want to go to sleep.

Spencer: Fine. Party pooper... What's your full name?

There was no way I was going to give him my name. An evil boy like that no doubt would threaten me with the FBI. So I gave him the next best thing. A fake name.

Me: You want my full name? My name is Petunia Gertrud Hanagen. Now I am going to consider that as 5 questions and go to sleep.

Spencer: Wait that's not 5 questions! That's only 3!

Me: Okay so my full name had three answers, and then the first two questions that you ask before... Wait, no technically 3 when you ask seriously. So sucks for you.

Spencer: Cheater!! >:O

Me: Yes I am. Now I'm going to sleep. If you text me back one more time, I will shove your phone down your throat :)

With that I turned my phone off. I rolled over, put my head under the covers, and fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, jumping up. I looked at the time and it was 7:00 A.M.

I hated waking up this early. I have been waking up this early for maybe two months all ready, and I will never get used to it. I rolled around in my bed for a minute and then, unwillingly, got up and ran to the bathroom. I jumped right into the shower and let the hot water massage my muscles, making sure every tension in my body from last night was gone. When I was done I put on a light green off-the-shoulder shirt and some faded skinny jeans

I walked down stairs to see my mom putting breakfast down on the table for me, but then she quickly left for work. I sat down and savored the food as I chewed it. Pancakes covered with bananas and syrup, with a nice cool glass of milk. Seriously, my mom should have been a chief instead. Lately, it has been really tough for us around here lately, and that is why I wasn't excited to go to that fancy rich people school, besides the fact that Spencer just so happens to go there. But right now it is just me and my mom, I don't know where my father is and I don't care. That's the main reason I have been waking up earlier than usual, because I've been looking for a job that could help my mom with our money situation.

I finished breakfast and out my plate in the dishwasher, and went to get the newspaper. I sat on my favorite brown, love seat couch and looked through the wanted ads.


Have to be 18 and have experience.

I crossed that one of the list. I am not 18 and I do not have experience. After two hours of finding nothing. My confidence felt as if it was starting to hit a new low and it sucked. I went upstairs and got my phone. I turned it on and there were 5 messages, but only one stood out.

Spencer: Hey Petunia. I need you to start your duties today. So come back to Bebe's Coffee Shop.

I laughed. I couldn't believe that he actually believed that my name was Petunia. I put my shoes on and started to walk to the coffee shop with a huge smile on my face.

 He is so gullible.

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