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"Perspective. That's all it is.We have these fights only because of the way we're looking at the situation. A pearl of knowledge here but why do both of us feel like we have to be correct. Sure it sucks being wrong but when we both win we both lose.Ok Luv!"

she explained this to her 3 year boyfriend.

She really wanted it to work like a princess fairy tale. For that i think she's stupid but its love. Love IS blind you know.

So its times like these when i stop and think about  the relationship these humans shared. i have to decide wether or not they both liked each other or one liked one more than the other.

It kept my brain active . Like brain jogging.

"Sweetie i know you think this way but you know i'm right, i'm older"he said . The smugness practically dripping from the sides of his large grin. Any wider and it would have looked like he needed an exorcism.

"babe" the only word that exited her face which seemed to have contorted itself from a sweet smile to pouted lips and twisted brows.

"Yes sweetie"

"I'm right.Age doesn't matter. Look at us." she tried to make a statement but i knew where it was going. I bet you do too

"Sweetie..Babes. My substituted sugar"

"Yes babe" OH No.He has "pulled out the big guns" . He has caressed her neck looking ,deep into her hazel eyes.

"I'm right"

"OK "She's officially melted into a pool of jello.

.Excuse me while i try and keep the dinner i had deep in my stomach.I really want to keep it. Lets review She's right and he's wrong .Now with the touch of his hands she's putty and know she's wrong. Where are our female rights. Have they been left aside in the gutter along with dignity and truth. Do i have to ask this question. I really shouldn't i fear the answer.

Anyway, the eyes of this girl looked like the epitome of the scenes pictured on the cheesiest of romance novels.


"Perspective. That all it is...We have these fights only because of the way we're looking at the situation. A pearl of knowledge here but why do both of us feel like we have to be correct. Sure it sucks being wrong but when we both win we both lose.Ok Luv!"

I love my boyfriend but sometimes he behaves as though i have no rights or thoughts of my own.I was just his love bunny.:(

I'm still in love with this male. If the universe were to break and shatter i'd still feel stable with him.My life,My love and my heart.

"Sweetie i know you think this way but you know i'm right, i'm older"he said

He always used his age like a crotch for the lack of his point in our arguments

Wow his eyes so big so blue.

"babe" i tried reasoning with him. I placed a pout on my face to try and touch his soul and love for me. He loved me right?

"Yes sweetie" he answered me back. I wonder if i've touched his heart.Thats all i want .

"I'm right.Age doesn't matter. Look at us." I wonder if this makes a point. Please Please Please.

"Sweetie..Babes. My substituted sugar" Aaaaw pet names. I love him so much.Take my soul take my heart. I don't want ti if i can't have you.

"I'm right" What ever you want baby.

Looking into his eyes is paradise.


"Perspective. That all it is...We have these fights only because of the way we're looking at the situation. A pearl of knowledge here but why do both of us feel like we have to be correct. Sure it sucks being wrong but when we both win we both lose.Ok Luv!"

What was this 16 year old girl trying to me and old experienced 21 year old man.Yes MAn!

wow that chick over there is so purty. Look into her eyes man before she notices maan.

"Sweetie i know you think this way but you know i'm right, i'm older"Yea i'm older and as such smarter. Thats how the world works chick. Deal with it!

"babe" is she trying to pout. She looks so young and inexperienced.Thats why i choose her so i can mold her into what i want.

"Yes sweetie"

"I'm right.Age doesn't matter. Look at us." What kind of statement is this?

"Sweetie..Babes. My substituted sugar" Pet names .Ah. Chicks love that crap.

OK just look into her eyes, touch her neck softly and  she'll be yours. Mwhahaha

"Yes babe" Now assert yourself as a man.

"I'm right"

She's mine. I wonder if i can get that other chicks number.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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