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anon2404 , this chapter is for you!
 Thank you so much for all your comments, which have continuously given me encouragement to continue writing!


Kota tried to open his eyes. He could hear a heated discussion in the background.

He must have drifted off again because the abrupt closing of a door startled him.
Owen Blackbourne entered Kota's hospital room and pulled a chair up to the side of Kota's bed.

"We've a lot to talk about Kota. Are you up to it?" Mr Blackbourne enquired.

Trying to ease himself up the pillows to become more upright Kota nodded, "Yes, your right. We need to clear things up."
Mr Blackbourne got up from his chair, "Here let me help you."
Kota, grateful for the help, held out his arm for Mr Blackbourne to take.
With great care and obvious stiffness, Kota managed to sit more upright.

Mr Blackbourne took at Kota's face, his hair in disarray.
The gaunt appearance before him, made him uneasy.
Kota's tee shirt clung to his body, his lean frame obvious.
Thinner arms were visible also as they rested above the blankets.
The last few months had been anything but good to Kota Lee.

"The beginning?" Mr Blackbourne enquired.
"The beginning." Kota responded.
"Well," Kota began.
"It started with being approached by a comrade of Volto's."
Kota half laughed at this statement.
" A comrade is probably not the correct term. It seems that Volto has been doing what he does best.

Mr Blackbourne tilted his head slightly at this statement, processing what Kota had said.

"He has gathered a few followers or comrades if you'd like that as a better term.
Most of these people have been blackmailed or coerced by one method or another.
Volto most certainly seems to be highly aware of Academy business.
I was surprised at how much in depth knowledge he has gathered.
Which still leads me to ask, has Volto ever been in the Academy? Is he perhaps the sibling of an Academy member?
I honestly don't know.
We need to try to find out."

Kota shifted in the bed slightly.
He waved Mr Blackbourne away from helping.

"Anyway, the beginning.
The basics are this: Volto found my core weakness, Sang.
Anyone else would have thought my mom or Jessica.
I however, know that they are safe, Academy safe.
Sang is a different matter though...."

Kota's voice trembled slightly as he looked Mr Blackbourne in the eye.

"I love her.
I love her with every fibre of my body and every part of my soul.
I can't exist without her.
Without her I am nothing."

Kota took a breath and steadied his voice.

"Volto exploited this.
He threatened Sang.
He threatened to kill her if I didn't play his game.
Mind games," Kota continued, "He just plays mind games.
The ideas he comes up with, the knowledge he has, the power he seems to be accumulating, it's hard to imagine, but it's real.
They have spies, everywhere.
I don't know who to trust anymore."

Mr Blackbourne sat up just a little bit straighter at this with more interest and gestured at Kota to continue.

"The recorded interview that Sang had with Lily.
He knew all about it. How, I have no idea.
He told me to get the phone and listen.
He assured me that it would change things between us."

Mr Blackbourne studied Kota's face for a moment as Kota paused during his statement.
A slight incline of one eyebrow was all that Kota need to continue.

"Yes, it did change things," Kota admitted.

Kota looked at Mr Blackbourne and then realised the thought that had entered Mr Blackbourne's mind.

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