Chapter 34

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Alfred smiled and grabbed the box. Outside of the café he knelt on one knee and said, "Arthur Kirkland you are stubborn, cranky, and don't know when not to fight, but I love you and will you make me the luckiest man in the world and marry me?" Alfred blushed.

Gasps came out from the people around and in the café waiting on those a simple words.

"Yes I'll marry you, you git." Arthur smiled hugging Alfred tightly.

Screams and whistles erupted all along the streets and in the café. They shared their first kiss of being engaged.

*3 months later* (gah the wedding!!)

In three months everything was prepared for probably what's going to be the craziest wedding in history. Despite Alfred's pleas Arthur refused to wear a dress claiming he only did it for Elizabeta. With only one day till the wedding everything was ready. Matthew stood as Alfred's best man with the Kirkland brothers behind him. Erin was rather excited about being the maid of honor happy to help her brother. Elizabeta and the other girls from world café were more than happy to be the brides maids. Peter was the proud ring barrier with Nozomi as the little flower girl and Ajax would escort her down the isle. Though Dylan offered to be the one to walk Arthur down the isle Allistor may or may not have forcibly taken that spot. Though Alfred attempted to get out of it the Kirkland's did believe in the superstition of the groom not seeing the bride the day before so Alfred was locked in his room all day. Yet late at night a text beeped through Alfred's phone.

Arthur: I love you git. Good night.

A smile spread across Alfred's face.

Alfred: I love you to my bride to be.😘 Good night.

That night both went to sleep with smiles across their faces knowing the one they love most in the world is waiting for them.

Alfred awoke groggily with his hand still wrapped around his phone. A smile danced across Alfred face realizing he's getting married today. Jumping out of bed he began to pull out the old tux Arthur had gotten him back when they were going on their second year together.

*flash back*

"Artie why can't I just wear what I have?" Alfred pleaded.

"It's a dance Alfred not a rodeo." Arthur lectured.

(If you are not from Texas it's common for guys to wear a plaid shirts, nice jeans, and a leather belt)

"That's what you wear to a dance in Texas!" Alfred groaned.

"No Alfred. Besides I got you this." Arthur said with a small blush on his face holding a box out to him.

Alfred gave a questioning look to Arthur. He opened the box to reveal a formal suit that was specially made for him.

"Artie...." Alfred gasped.

"It's for you git." Arthur blushed.

"It's not really my style but I promise to wear it on a special occasion." Alfred smiled.

"Ok love." Arthur laughed kissing his American on the cheek.

*flash back ends*

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