Three years later...

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"Conner! Your going to be late for pre-school!" I say giving Conner his bag and ushering him out the door and towards Lukes car. I can hear Lukes car pull out of the drive and i wave goodbye to both of them. Conner came right after i left high school and Luke is so great with them... Them. Penny! I can hear crying comming from upstairs and i rush to her aid.

"Shhhhhh! Its okay! Its okay! Mummys here!" I try to reasure my 1 year old. Today is a very sad day, This afternoon Luke, Conner, Penny and I are going to a close friends funiral... Pennys. Jai and Penny were together for so long and its so sad but the birth of her own child had killed Penny. Thats why i named by daugter after her. In her memory.

4 Hours Later

"Luke! Hunny could you get Conner ready while i get Penny ready!?" I shout from upstairs, Penny has just thrown up all over me and i need to clean myself and her.

"Okay babe" Luke says and before i know it he is right by my side taking Conners hand and leading him to his room. Luke is so mature now. I look back on our first day back at school in year 12 and just smile... What great times we had....

"Mummy!" I can hear Conner in the back ground then i snap back to this time.

"Yes hunny!" I say then pick him up and put him on my hip

"dada said that umm he said that we need to- to leave in a feb minnis" He say and i just laugh at the word Feb not few...

I walk down stairs and lock the door behind me and make my way to the car where Luke is putting in Penny and Conner is bouncing around in his seat to get attenchion so one of us can put him in his seat. I walk over to Conner and bukle him up then jump in my seat in bukle myself in.

1 Day later

I sit on my bed, Lukes arms wrapped around me. It has been a very long day and i am very very tried

"Rose are you okay?" Luke asks me

"Yeah im fine its just that um..." I am studdering on my words now i just dont know how to tell him...

"What Rose!?" He asks, He sounds so worryed and i just think to myself that i have to tell him one day so why not now?

"Luke i have some news that - That isnt good and i need you to be - Just dont tell anyone!" I dont want to tell him but i have to.

"Rose! Everything will be okay! Just tell me" He kisses me on the forehead and smile a little bit

"No. Luke its not going to be okay... Luke i am dieing i - i have canser."

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