final chapter

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Lala in the pic
Last chapter

Lala pov
I was beyond Mad how could the money not be there I sighed k12 looked at me "aye it's gonna be alright I got this all under control I don't want you stressing my neice or nephew out" he said rubbing my belly "alright just take me home" I said k12 nodded and drove me home
10 mins later
We arrived to my house I got out the car and unlocked the front door I waved by to k12 and he drove off . I closed the door and sat on the couch then my phone rung it was deons mom I totally forgot
Phone conversation
Hello I said
I just put harper to sleep and deamiya is watching TV she said
Okay I'm on my way
End of conversation
I grabbed my keys and walked out the door I was getting bigger and bigger by the day I closed and locked the door behind me I walked to the car and got in. I took off to deon mom house
20 mins later
I pulled up in the drive way and beeped the horn a few mins layer demiya out and behind her was deon mom with a sleeping harper .
"Hi mom" deamiya said getting in the front . I kissed her cheek "you had fun" I said she shrugged her shoulders and smiled . Deons mom put harper in her car seat in the back seat . "Thank you for watching them" I said handing her 50 Dallors."no its fine and your welcome keep that money these are my grandkids so no charge" she said "okay" I said starting the car me and deamiya waved by and drove off.
10 mins later I pulled into the drive way I seen a random car parked in front of my house . If it's miya I don't have time for baby mama drama. I got out the car ,closed it . I went to the back and picked harper up she was still sleeping I closed the door and waited until deamiya got out the car when she got put the locked the doors and went to the front door. I unlocked the door and deamiya ran up to her room saying she was tired . I closed the door and locked it I walked upstairs and changed harper out her clothes to her pajamas and tucked her in the bed. I walked to my room and layed on my back on the bed I was beyond tired. I started to drift off to sleep when I heard a crumpling noise coming from downstairs I got up and walked downstairs with a baseball bat that was under the bed I walked into the kitchen and seen a vase full of pink and red roses a card was sticking out I put the bat down and took the card
Roses are red violets are blue you might not know it but I'm right behind you.
I scrunched my face up that's some creepy shit I turned around to be face to face with deon . My heart was beating Hella fast before I got to say anything he picked me up I wrapped my legs around his torso and kissed him. Things got heated real fast and you know how that goes

1 hour into "you know what" the door bell rung
"Deon stop someone's at the door " I said he smacked his lips
" oh well " he said continuing then the door bell kept ringing " alright I said pushing deon off me " I'll get the door " I said I got up and wrapped a robe around me I went to the bathroom to fix my hair and seen a fat hickie on my neck "what the hell" I semi yelled I heard deon laughing I walked out the bathroom and deon was slipping on some boxers and shorts. I went downstairs and answered the door it was keon. "Deon keon here" I yelled deon sighed Hella loud and walked downstairs. Before deon came down keon told me what happen between him and question I walked upstairs and jumped in the shower I got dressed putting on some grey vs sweat suit and some uggs I threw my hair in a high messy bun. I grabbed my keys and walked downstairs I kissed deon on the cheek and hugged keon " I'll be back" I said
20 mins later I pulled up to question house and parked in the drive way. I got out and knocked on the door then opened it . I walked up to question room and knocked I heard her sniffing I opened the door "la" she said crying I walked over there and layed her head on my lap "noo it's going to be okay question I promise " I said
The end
I hop you guys enjoy I'll make a sequel but I got to see if lia is going to so yeah most likely I will.

3 years later
Deon pov
"Daddyyyy look at the giraffe " deontae said
"I know baby boy it's tall" i said
I know you guys are probably wonder what happen and all . Well when k12 told me the money was gone they ended up bailing out with some other money . 3 months later la was doing a cover shoot for her pregnancy pictures she ended up breaking her water and went into labor we went to the hospital and she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy deontae keith williams. 7 pounds 12 ounces . He was born on November 8th . He's 3 already and deamiya is 15 and harper is 7 there getting up there but don't worry I'm not stopping until I get my 5 so well see. The crew is still doing good they moved back to Florida except for k12 which he got custody of his son Kendrick Jr and man man and yeayea stayed . Scooter moved to Miami to see them Miami girls. And you know how that goes. Now between question and keon that's another story for another squel.
The end

Thanks guys for readers and votes I see all of that and appreciate it thanks so much hopefully there will be a squel comment yes or no . And also let me know how the book is doing, what characters you like, or what characters you want to see be together alright bye guys

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