Chapter 2: The First Battle

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Ruby slid her metal helmet over her head, her ears poking out of two perfect sized holes in the helmet.
Fluffy led her into the hangar which was filled with sleek, black fighter jets. He chuckled softly when he saw the excited glimmer in her amber eyes. Now Fluffy's part was done and it was time for Ruby to make the plan happen.


Ruby lighted down to the ground. Four other planes landed behind her as she climbed out of hers. She pulled her knife out of its sheath.
An army of well-prepared cats stood before her. They were being lead by a very familiar cat.
Jade! Ruby's mind screamed. She could not believe that she would have to fight Jade, her own twin sister.
The memories flooded back to Ruby in that instant. A terrible blizzard had formed on the border of European Russia and Asian Russia where Jade and Ruby had lived. The two had been playing outside in a snow bank when the storm hit. They had been separated as kittens thanks to that storm, and know they stood face to face in the heat of battle.
"I'm sorry," Ruby whispered too quietly for anyone to hear before she charged forward, knife in hand. Some of the other soldiers fought with her on the ground while others fought from the sky. Yet through the rage of war, Ruby was thinking only one thing, please don't let Jade be killed during this war.

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