chapter 2

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I closed my eyes and gave a quick prayer as I heard the loud whistle of the train . I knew she was gone. My heart weakened and I fell to my knees.

"oh my god, Jazzy are you okay?" It was Jonah's sweet voice, any other day him talking to me would have been a big deal, hell him knowing my name would have been a big deal, but it wasn't . I continued to sob.

" She's gone" I whispered. I had sprinted all the way to the tracks and here was the long train slowly floating by.

" I'm sorry," he murmured placing a cold large hand on my fragile arm. Tears welled in my eyes and streamed down my heated face. I couldn't bear the pain of coming home and telling ma we had lost her, it didn't seem right. She was only a puppy she was only a baby she was-

Right there. The train passed by and there was Mya standing cooly on the other side chewing on some grass like nothing had just happened. My face lit up and so did Jonah's he smiled at me and whistled. Mya came dashing over and into our laps. We both giggled. I whiped the tears from my eyes.

"you're safe now, baby doll," I whispered in her long black flappy ears, I hugged her tight. When i finally let her go the realizating that Jonah talked to me, hit me like a ton of bricks. He had comforted me. I turned around, but he was gone and so was his shepard Huston.

"C'mon Banj, " I chorused. I continued towards our street, a smile on my face now.


I grab my bag and catch the bus, not my favourite thing to do considering Jammy allen also takes the city bus. But he's not there today. I check my cell, 3 new messages, i sigh and turn it off, as you probably have noticed I'm more of an upfront down to earth kind of girl, I'm not a big fan of technology what so ever.

I clutch onto my purse as I await my stop, I've learned the hard way not to trust anyone or anything. When my stop comes I tighten my converse and get off. Serval students get off as well, but I spot Liz and dash over to her

"How you doing?" she asks , her face looks concerned.

"I'm okay, Mom isn't doing so well," I shrug and she hugs me tight.

"My mom said we should take her to that specialist in Orlando."

"I know, but Liz where am I gonna get the money," I sigh as a tear trickles down my face. "We'll talk later," I decide and Liz shakes her head. Liz is concerned about ma , but she pressures me so much sometimes and I don't know what to do, if dad were here this would be so much easier. I sigh grab my bag and head to first period; science with Mr. wilson.

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