Chapter 18: Step One

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Taehyung's P.O.V

It's been a week since I saw Jenny. You see I've been planning step one for the past couple of days. Hehehe I'm so naughty. So now I know that Jenny goes to buy groceries every Saturday. Then she goes to the café with her little tike because he wants a milkshake or smoothie. Yes I've been stalking her but I need to get her back. You're probably thinking I'm really mad but I'm head over heels for her!

So then I went to the café, to 'wait for my date'. Haha I just rhymed. Oh I'm so funny. My 'date', Sophie who's a model (she knows about step one) walked in, slowly followed by Jenny and Taemin. Aww Taemin looks so cute in his dungarees. I got out of my chair and walked towards Sophie and gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek. Jenny walked passed and gave me the death glare. She still loves me heh. I held Sophie's hand and walked her to our table which was right next to Jenny's and Taemin's table. I started to crack jokes and Sophie was 'laughing' which grabbed Jenny's attention. Jenny shot her eyes at our table, it looked like she was fuming..

Jenny's P.O.V

Uggggh. Look at them. They make me sick. What's Taehyung trying to play at ay? I thought he still had feelings for me. I guess not.
"Omma what you looking at?" Taemin raised his eyebrow.
"Ermm nothing." I responded quickly. "Baby, Omma needs the toilet. Can you be a brave boy and stay here? Omma will be back super quick!"
"Okay Omma!" He said with a big grin. I walked passed Taehyung's table and I saw him kiss the girls hand. Uggh, what does he see in her anyway? What am I doing?! I'm supposed to be going to the toilets. I carried on walking until I heard footsteps behind me.
"Hey Jenny..." It was Taehyung and he winked at me. I started to blush but then realised I have a fiancé so I kept my cool.
"Hi.." I said awkwardly.
"Did you see my date? Pretty huh?" He said with a big grin.
"Mmhhhmmm why don't you marry her then?"I said sarcastically.
"I would but she's not you." He whispered. I could feel my whole face burning hot red. Taehyung pushed me gently to the wall and put his hands either side of my head. Aishh this reminds me of my first day at school here.
"Taehyung I've got to go. I left Taemin alone."
"It's okay Sophie's there to supervise" Supervise?! What the hell is happening?!
"I've got to go. Please let me go. Anyway don't you have a date to attend to?" I said harshly.
"Yeah but I'd rather be here with you." He smirked. Damn I missed his smirk. He leaned in closer so now our lips were inches apart. Aishh I missed those lips. He started to get closer but I pushed him away and tried to make a run for it but he gripped my arm pulling me closer to him again so now our noses were touching. No no no. I've got Mingyu now. I got out of his grip and ran to Taemin. I stopped and started to pant.
"Omma why do you look tired?" Taemin asked with a confused expression.
"It's been a long day honey."I said while looking back to see Taehyung winking and smirking at me. I ordered our milkshakes and sipped on mine really quickly. I really wanted to get out of here. Taemin glared at me in confusion but then smiled, not at me but someone behind me.
"Hi Appa! Sit with us!!"He yelled in joy running up to Taehyung and giving him a hug and I gave him a glare.
"For the last time he's not your Appa" I said sternly and Taemin pouted.
"Hello Taemin, how you doing today?" Taehyung asked and sat beside Taemin so he was opposite me.
"Good but Omma looks tired." He replied.
"Oh really? I think I know why.." He gave me an evil smirk and I gave him the death stare.
"Just shh Taehyung. Don't you have a date?" I said rudely.
"I did but now it's finished so I came here to talk to Taemin." He winked.
"Omma I'm done!!" Saved by the bell, well Taemin in this case. Thank god now we can go home!!
"Come on let's go home then. Bye Taehyung!" I said in a rush picking up the grocery bags.
"Why don't you help Omma, Appa? Then you can play with me in our house!!"
"Urmmm I think Taehyung's quite busy today aren't you?"
"Nope not really. I'm free. Give me the bags, they look too heavy for you." He said while snatching the bags off me. Aishh now he's gonna come to our house.

So we walked outside of the café and Taemin held both of our hands so he was in the middle.
"Awww what a cute family you have." A random stranger came up to us and said. I chuckled awkwardly while Taehyung was grinning. When the lady walked past I gave Taehyung the dirtiest glare. He pouted but I looked away. We reached at our house and I opened the door with my keys...

Taehyung's P.O.V
We walked in and all the walls were plastered with pictures and canvas' of Jenny, Taemin and her fiancé. Taemin's baby photos looked exactly like me when I was a baby. Hmmm that's weird. I followed Jenny into the kitchen to put the grocery bags down while Taemin went upstairs to play. I closed the door behind me and put the bags down. I walked behind Jenny and wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder.
"Taehyung let me go, I'm engaged.Have you no shame?"
"Mmmmm no. And I have no shame when it comes to you." I smirked and pecked her on the cheek. She pushed me off trying to make a run for it but I grabbed her wrist pulling her back to me. Why does she always run away from me? Suddenly a voice called out. It wasn't Jenny's fiancé it was a females voice.
"Unnie I'm home! Where's Hansol oppa? And where's Mingyu oppa?" I let go of Jenny and of course she ran out of the kitchen. I followed her and saw a gorgeous looking girl standing there but she wasn't as beautiful as Jenny. She had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes with a hint of green. She had a nice figure but she didn't look Korean.
"Ohh hi there Becky. They've gone to the studio to finish preparing for their debut." Jenny said with a big smile.
"Oh where's Taemin? And who's that guy behind you?" She said checking me out from head to toe.
"He's upstairs watching tv and that's Taehyung... He's my errmm... My ermm.."
I cut her off.
"I'm her friend from high school, the name's Taehyung and you are?" I said putting my handout for a handshake.
"I'm Rebecca, you can call me Becky though. I'm Vernon's little sister. Only by a year." She smiled and shook my hand.
"Nice to meet you Becky." I smiled and then smirked at Jenny. She gave me the don't you even dare look. Hah I'm not going to do anything that bad. Or am I?


Heyyooooooo. How did you guys like that? Oooooh what's Taehyung gonna do with Hansol's sister??? Find out in the next chapter!!! 🌹Remember to vote or comment if you liked it or have any suggestions 😁😁
Byeeeeee Saranghae xx 😍😘💯

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