The walk to my cell was hard and the passage was cold. Wind bit my hands and pierced my legs. I could hardly stand. We finally got there. The guard through me in. "Serves you right girl!"said the guard kicking me and with that the guard walked away. Probably to play poker with his buddies or something. I got up and looked around. I saw that the cell was dark and desolate. A woman was sitting in front of me. "What are you in for?" I asked her. "Murder" came the reply. "Me too!" I replied enthusiastically. " you didn't murder you son do you." The woman said to me. " well no. But I did murder my friends. All five of them!" I replied. "Looks like we have a lot in common don't we." "I guess we do." I replied once more." So can I trust you?" She asked me. "Ofcourse I am a fellow murderer after all." "Okay so here's the plan.........."
Science Fictiona story of true suspence. read it if you're bored and you will pass the time with a lot of fun