Author-Not really an update, but I need help!
Tony- I think they got that.
Steve- Tony. Let the author speak.
Tony- Fine. But you owe me shwarma.
Author- You two stop fighting. The next chapter will be 'How he asks you out' and I suck at romantic stuff!
Tony- I'm going to call you Cap 2.0.
Steve- Tony no.
Clint- Tony yes.
Author- Be quiet and let me talk. I need help. Comment if you have suggestions for the next chapter!
Thor- Yes. The fair maiden rarely asks for help.
Bruce- Please?
Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier- Do I know you guys?
Steve- You know me. I'm going to let the author explain.
Author- Oh! I forgot I was going to add Bucky! And say hello to (Y/N) Rogers! Or you, Steves sister! Anyway, I have to go. I'll try to update tonight or tomorrow. And help please!
Steve- I thought you died.
Bucky- I think I know you.
Author- She's just like you Steve. Good and bad she is your twin. And deal with it.
All- Good night reader!