1- Their Life

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"Noona!" Oh great. Here comes my overly attached brother.

He ran up to me and hugged my feet.

"I missed you!" Wow.

"I was gone for an hour." I gave him s bored look. I just finished arranging my transfer papers and luckily, I was the only one there. Well I did transfer in 2nd semester. I'm talking about a famous Arts, Music and Fashion School which is the AMF. Just so you know.

"It was an ETERNITY FOR ME!" See? Overly attached. Like a leech.

But I love this leech.

"C'mere you." I carried him up and threw him up like making him fly.

"Higher! Higher!" He requested.

"If I do that you will hit the ceiling dummy." I smiled at his innocence. He's just a seven year old. I gues that is expected.

Kids still have those yes?

Well... some do.

"Hey we should go see Hyung! I miss him too." I seriously want to smack this kid. Ian is like a block away! And Ian was also gone an hour ago. He offered to give me a ride. So he was with me.

Just then, we heard a knock on the door. And Ian emerged.

"Hey." He waved at lil' Ethan.

"Hyung! Lets go to the mall! Buy me some toys! Come on please?" Leech and spoiled. What more could we ask for?

"Sure kid. Come on Chris." Wha?

"I want to sleep Ian."

"I'll buy you some ice cream." O.o

"Dude my look is fine already right? Hey lets go already! What toy did you want again Ethan? Hey Cookies n Cream Icecream alright?"

"Works everytime."


"Nerf gun! Nerf gun! Bang bang!" Ethan cheered as he was holding his new toy which was a Nerf gun.

"Ian you're spoiling him." I reminded Ian.
"It's okay. He is like a little brother to me anyways." While he just smiled.

Ian has always been there for me and my brother. Even when Ethan was abandoned. And so was I. The thing is, when I was a 10, thats when Ethan was abandoned. He was just a baby back then. I asked mom and dad if we could take care of him. But they were 100% against it. They always were. They only want one child. One female that could marry a boy from another company. I wasn't their daughter. I was merely a pawn so they could succeed. I was crying my eyes out because he started vomitting. I don't know what to do. That's when Ian and Ian's mom, Aunt Leonora, came to me and they adopted him. I was so blessed. So blessed indeed. So I worked hard. I worked my way up. The company turned to me when they need help. Of course I make them pay me. No pay no help. When I earned enough, I flew here. To South Korea. My grandfather made me manage one branch of our company which is in South Korea. Our company mainly focuses on Fashion.

"You still want that ice cream?" Do you even need to ask?

"Duh." I pulled the two men to my favorite ice cream parlor and made my way to a booth. Then a waiter approached us.

"We'll have 2 cups each with 10 scoops of cookies n Cream." Yes! " and one cup with 5 scoops of Double dutch and sprinkles on top.(Ethan: Yes!) That's all."

"Ok. Your orders will arrive shortly." I expect it to be at least 5 seconds. The waiter left.

"Ethan, do you wan't to say something to Chris?" Ian elbowed Ethan. What is this about?

"Yeah. Noona..." ...


"God... that's amazing!" I stood up from where I stand and hugged him tight. This little boy will go places. Seriously!

"I'm so proud of you Ethan. So so proud." I said teary eyed. I never made a mistake on supporting him. I never regretted it. Not a second in my life.

"I love you Noona. I love you..." Really? We're gonna get emotional here?

"I love you too. Now lets not cry. We have to celebrate!" I wiped his tears.

"Here's your order." Yes!

"Here's to Ethan's successful future!" Yeah!

We were eating our ice creams when someone from outside caught my attention. Is that Suho?

He must have felt a gaze on him because he turned to me. He lowered his sunglass and looked at me deeper. It is him!

He elbowed the guy his with and said something. Then he made his way towards us.

"Hey Chris!" Suho greeted me.

"Hello Suho." He moved closer asking for a kiss on the cheek. But I just bumped the back of my fist to it. Little roughly so he could recieve the message.

"Ouch Chris! I was rejected!" Uh-huh.

"Not used to it playboy?" I gave him a smirk.

"Kind of. Woh. You didn't tell me you had a husband and a son. Last time I checked you-"

"Idiot. He's my friend and this is my little brother. Plus, I'm 16." I reminded him.

"You're 17." Oh yeah. South Korea.

"How'd you two meet?" Ethan suddenly asked with this investigator look. Seriously?

"She designed some of my clothes. No one does it best better than her." Whats with the praise?

"Good. You cannot like her. Hyung already likes her." Oh brother.

"Looks like I have a competitor. Hey man, My name is Kin Joon Myun."

"I've heard of you. Suho EXO's leader right?" Ian said a bit loud.

"Not so loud Ian." I kicked his leg lightly.

"Ouch." Yeah right. Like that would hurt him.

"Anyway, I just came to say hi. See you when I see you." Instead of coming closer to me and trying to recieve a kiss on the cheek, he kissed my forehead.

"That guy really." I just shrugged it off and continued eating.

"Noona come here." I followed Ethan's order without question. Then he grabbed a tissue and wiped my forehead. "Germs. Germs everywhere."

I laughed at his actions and messed up his hair.

"You little runt."


"Hey Suho Hyung you cassanova who was that?" Baekhyun asked punching my shoulders.

"Oh her? Her name is Manilyn Christian Lim."

"Lim? As in Xien Lim? That rich guy with a fashion company? CxC?" I nodded at Lay.

"Woah. That's her daughter?" I nodded again to Chen.

"She doesn't look like his dad. Even the way she dresses up. Not like a girl who grew up with fabulous clothes all over her." Kris commented.


"She may not but wait till you see her designs. I have clothes she personally designed." I bragged.

"You slept with her did you?" What the hell?

"No what the hell are you thinking Chanyeol? Suck an eggplant." I irritatedly retorted.

"But really she is pretty."

"Hey what are you guys talking abou?" Oh. Tao is here.

"Hey I thought we said Ice Cream Parlor. Where have you been Huang Zi Tao?" Luhan questioned him.

(Author: I AM CRYING.)

"Well I saw this Gucci-"

"Ok make him shut-up now."

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