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As I woke up, I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I realised me and Patrick had fallen asleep on the couch while watching a marathon of Star Wars last night. I gently shook Patrick awake.

"Hey man, got to wake up now," I said

"Argghh," Patrick moaned and rolled over. Sadly he was on the edge of the couch and he fell straight off.

I started laughing my head off, while Patrick just glared at me.

"Dallon, it's not funny, it hurt like a bitch!" Patrick whined at me

"Lol, it was funny... anyways time to get up, because we have school now," I said in my mother tone.

"Go get dressed and I'll make breakfast kay!?" I said

"Yes Mom," Patrick said while rolling his eyes.


As I walked down the corridors and made my way to the canteen area. I thought about what Patrick told me last night; about the plan (an: lol I still don't really know what the plan is so let ure minds imagine what it is). ( an: actually I'm just gonna piss everyone off and add Ian in this).

Breaking up Brendon and Alana was going to be hard but it was the only way.

I accidently slammed into something solid yet small. I fell onto the floor, so did the thing I slammed into. I carefully stood up and noticed that the thing I had slammed into was a small guy, probably a few years younger than I was, with curly brown hair. I saw that he was trying to pick up his books, so I got down on my knees and helped him pick his things up and overed a hand.

"Hey you alright man?" I asked

"Yeah sorry about that," he laughed. His eyes shined as he did.

"It's n-no probably really," I replied, stuttering yet again. This guy was so confident. And to be completely honest, he was actually very handsome.

"Hey it was my fault anyways what your name? I haven't seen you around before, are you new?" Jesus this guy could talk.

"Um, well- m-my names D-Dallon," I stammered out.

"Nice to meet you Dallon, my names Ian, Ian Crawford at your service," he winked while bowing a little.

I laughed a little.

This guy made me feel very comfortable.

"Nice to meet you Ian," I smiled

"So, cya around hey!?" he said while bumping his should against mine in a playful manner.

"Yeah, yeah cya around too," I smiled while waving goodbye as he hurried around the corner.

I swear I saw him give me a little wink but I might have just imagined that.

This guy was so hot, I mean he was so nice as well!

' Nope Dallon you like Brendon, keep with your plan'

But Ian is just so dreamy I mean can I at least be friends with him.

' No Dallon, Brendon, Brendon is the one you want, stay with Patrick's plan'


I argued with myself. I really need to stop this mind conversations.

I finally reached the canteen area and sat down next to Patrick and Pete. I realised they were holding hands. I smiled at them.

"Congrats you finally asked Pete out Patrick!" I laughed a little.

Patrick simply just glared at me, while blushing a little.

I started making small conversations with Lucy.

I found out she played drums as well as Josh. I also found out Tyler played piano and sang, Kenny played guitar and sang, Spencer played drums. Dan played drums, Brendon played nine instruments and he also sang (an: I just found this out, I knew he played heaps of instruments but nine, fucking nine, Jesus!), Zack didn't play anything, I knew Patrick played drums, guitar and he sang and Pete played bass.

Suddenly, two guys came over to our table; a guy with red hair and a guy with glasses and blondish hair. They looked like brothers.

"Oh, Dallon these two idiots are Gerard and Mikey Way, Mr Ways sons." Lucy told me.

"Oh hi guys," I smiled at them, they both looked so emo and intense.

"Heyy Derek nice to meet ya!," the one with blonde hair said.

"Um Mikey, Lucifer clearly said his name was Dildo," the other one with red hair said.

"Ow fuck off you two, my names fucking Lucy and his name is fucking Dallon, D-A-L-L-O-N, you guys are so stupid," Lucy yelled.

The two brothers both laughed. Lucy then hit them very hard on both their heads.

"Ow what the fuck!" they both groaned.

"You two need to start behaving like a teenager not like fucking two year olds!," Lucy yelled again.

"Yes Mom," they said in unison while rolling their eyes.

Lucy gave them the death glare of death glares.

I started laughing at the scene happening before me.

I suddenly stopped laughing as I saw HIM walk pass, in all HIS glory. The light shining on his 'oh' so perfect hair. HE walked past our table while giving me a sly wink and walk over to his table.

I quickly looked away. What the hell is happening to me. Why was I feeling like this towards a guy I just met. Oh right that's exactly what I said when I met Brendon. Arghh why is life so hard!!

I quickly started short conversation with Zack about random shitty humour. But I couldn't get Ian's image out of my head. Was I falling for him instead of Brendon?


BOOM CLIFF HANGER YOU GUYS!!! And I am soooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the fucking late as shit update!!! I will most likely update sooner but we'll see. Anyways don't hate me that I added Ian in here. But it will make this story a shit lot intense and interesting trust me! I also added him in here because I kinda also ship him and Dallon together as well ;)! And he is the fucking greatest guitarist in the world!! Watch the video I put on this chapter if you don't believe me! Anyways!!! Please comment ideas and shit, vote, share and stuff!! Bye guys and Happy Halloween! Also should I add Breezy in this story or not?? Comment below!

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