The party's wine (part 1)

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Chapter three

Kaito pov:

I cracked the classroom door a little bit not wanting to draw to much attention and stuck my head in the classroom while looking to the left and then to the right.

"Is it clear." Sana asked me standing beside me on the wall.

"Yeah its pretty quite and empty maybe it's too early.....sine you WOKE ME UP AT 5:00 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING."! I yelled at me.

"It's 6 o'clock now so calm down I didn't want any fans running or chasing me." She said.

"And what does your fans have to do with me." I said.

"I can't drive the car." She said.

"Oh geez." I said going inside and sat on my desk.

Sana pov:

"Oh come on, it's not that bad." I said sitting in my desk which is beside him as he glared at me.

"Stop being a cry baby and work with it." I said.

"As you wish master." He said.

"Now your agreeing." I said.

"Hey we need to work on that club you made." Kaito said.

"I brought some things for the club so people could see it better in a way." I said.

"Then where are they." He asked.

In the club room.

" did you- I cut him off.

"Um remember when I carried that huge box and bag and carried them to the car and when we arrived I took them out and I told you to park the car and then I took everything to the classroom." I said.

"Oh, I was half asleep." He said.

"Oh, so now I know that you were driving half asleep driving so we could have died." I said.

"That's the risk you put us in since you woke me at 5 o'clock in the morning." He said.

"Ok, ok, calm down." I said.

"So, what did you get for the club." He asked.

"A cumputer, cleaning utensils, mini fridge, snacks, files, papers and other things." I said as he looked at me surprised.

"Your wasting money, what if we can't bring 3 more members then everything you did and bought went to wast." Kaito said.

"If." I said. "We still have a large possibility that we can get three more members." I said.

"How do you know." He asked.

"I'm sure of it, I just need to find a case that needs solving and when we solve our first case then we get some publicity." I said.

"And again how." Kaito asked.

"Computer." I said walking down the hallway.

"What about class." He asked walking beside me.

"We still have a hour and a half." I said going up the stairs.

"If you want I'll look in the news papers." Kaito said scratching the back of his neck.

"Sure." I said as we entered the club room and I walked to the computer and sat in a chair that had wheels to move it and it's really comfortable.

I started looking for cases and information about them.

"You found anything." Kaito asked.

"You." I asked

"No." He replied.

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