Chapter 4 She fell down, he picked her up

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Here ya go, I am gonna try and inroduce a couple of new characters, yay!

 Enjoy :D


My eyes widen in terror and my back straightens automatically as I notice the twitch of his jaw my mind reeling. "I, uh-." Jace suddenly steps over the doors threshold and grabs my shoulder opposite of Drake. With a yank I fall forward into the house tripping over my injured foot as I wince slightly and look up at Drake trying to hide the pain and fear. 

"Where were you," Jace hisses at me while Drake stands there looking confused.

I think for a second coming up with a blank as I shy away from jaces touch, "we,uh."

"I found her on the road and took her to the emergency room," Drake interupts causing Jace to look up from me and glare at him.

"I don't think I asked you, I'll meet you upstairs." Jace states angrilly turning around and walking up the stairs.

"Thanks again, I, uh think you should go." I whisper to Drake as he stares down at me with regret. 

"I'm sorry, if I did anything-."

"You didn't do anything, I should be thanking you." I tell him, another lie.

"Ok, well I'll see you at school?" He asks almost hopefully looking up from his shoes.

 "Sure." I tell him closing the door and laying against it as my shoulders began to shake. With silent fear I walk towards the kitchen and open the cupbaords, looking for a glass. 

"Where are my parents?" I ask as I see Jace in my peripheral vision walking up behind me.

"They had to work and were worried about you so they called me." He spits grabing me tightly by  the shoulders and turning me around to face him. "Why the fuck where you with him?" he questions signaling to our earlier encounter with Drake, fury evident in his eyes and scornfull tone.

"He already to-"I start but stop when I feel something sting my cheek painfully.

"Don't feed me bulshit, you could have walked back from the hospital or called someone." He fumes now shaking with rage.

"I did-" I try again foolishly when I see him hold up the back of his hand. I try and move while covering my face but am kept in place by his death grib on my arm. Soon enough I feel the familiar sting on my right eye. 

"Didn't I teach you last time not to disrespect me, look at me when I'm talking to you." he yells gripping my chin tightly in his fist. My eyes connect with his and I feel my right cheek start to swell because of a healing bruise he hit.

"I'm sorry," I whisper as the unshed tears glisten in my eyes. 

"Next time don't forget it." he seethes looking down at me with disgust before walking out the door. I lean against the fridge and slowly lower myself to the floor as my head falls into my hands.

I feel myself finally let it all out when I hear the sound of the front door slam shut. My body racking with heaving sobs as I rock myself gently back and forth my ribs scraming in protest to the sudden movement. 


After what felt like an hour of just sitting there against the cold metal of the fridge I finally get the energy to move myself. I grip onto the fridge's metal handle and pull as hard as I can, hissing in a breath I hobble slightly than fall against the kitchen table using the worn wooden corner to hold myself up.

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