Cross THAT Off Your List!

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Freda whispered to her children, "Go in your rooms for a little while dears..." Even the gentleness of her voice has vanished. Just like the family's dreams, happiness and hope. I don't mean to make it emo, but come on! It's like losing someone close to you. Only for these vampires, its their mortality they lost-again.

Rudolph helped the silent Ana to their room while Tony followed like a puppy. Gregory kept his iron grip lock on me to stay where I was. Really? I don't think disobeying is an option right now! Frederick glanced over at us, his dark eyes bored into Gregory's midnight ones.

The all mighty father asked, "Did you hear your mother son?"

"Yes, Father. But I have a question to ask of you."

Freda waved her delicate hand, "Not right now Gregory...your father has too much on his mind."

I silently agreed with her. From Gregory's body language, he's either going to push Mister Sackville-Bagg's buttons or honestly ask a question. James shifted uncomfortably beside me. Do you think we could leave unnoticed? I tried to move, but I was jolted back by the unfair strength of the teenage vampire. Oops, I forgot.

Frederick ordered, "Fine, go ahead." Way to fake exhilaration Mister S.

"What if...the stone is false?" My boyfriend's response shocked me. According to the expression of the two vampires before us, it surprised them as well. Does he mean what I think he means..?

Frederick's voice was deadly, "You are considering the thought that we were cheated!" Freda tried to restrain her husband, but was failing miserably. James was on the verge to peeing his pants, yes the look on Frederick's face was THAT murderous.

Gregory stated, "I am saying that stone we have possession of is not the true one. Maybe, just maybe, the stone we have was made as a trap. In case if it went into the wrong hands—which as you can recall, it almost did."

"That is impossible! The stone of Atamon was passed throughout my family ever since I could remember! Please, Gregory, do not make up such lies just because you are furious. We all are furious."

That seemed to spark Gregory's self control, "What else can we believe! Oh well, the stone didn't prevail. All that hard work and sacrifice was for nothing. Let's go skip back to the crypts!"

I nudged Gregory's shoulder, "Dude, calm down a little?"

He simply sent me a glare saying, 'I know what I am doing.' Oh yeah, like fighting with your father is going to get anywhere. Thank god Gregory can't read minds. I bash him on a regular basis. Frederick was gripping the couch armrest as it would melt like putty in his cold hands.

James obviously was stalling, "Hm-look at the time! Gotta go night night!"

"Uh-it's eight in the morning." I corrected.

"The early bird gets the worm!" With that, he tranced upstairs. To me, a trance is like a mixture of running and skipping cowardly. Squeezing Greg's hand, I smiled.

"I think we should go." And leave your father alone. Freda nodded gratefully at me. Don't mention it. After a few seconds of staring and silence, Gregory finally replied to my statement. He rose first, pulling me up in a flash. I can get up myself. Together, we cautiously climbed the stairs, I didn't start running till we reached the hallway.

Gregory had an amused grin on his flawless face, "Why are you running?"

I frowned, "That's a good question. Why did you push your father around like that?"

"I simply just spoke what I thought."

Expressing feelings, eh? I shot back, "And see where that got us? Your dad is basically having a panic attack downstairs."

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