"Aphmau's new school" part 3

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Aphmau's POV~
After math, english launguage, history and IT, we went to launch.
"Hey, i saw how boys saved you today. My name is Cadenza. You are Aphmau, right? By the way, Laurence is my half brother"nice girl talked to me while im waiting in line for launch.
"Only salad!?"Dante was shocked "you are NOT FAT!"
"I know! Im not on diet!"i lauged "My brekfast was good innaugh." Okey, okey! Yes i ATE those sandwiches in brekfast.
"Kiki, Laurence, Dante! Can you come here for minute? We need to talk abaut history exam!"mis Molly jelled. Jeez, i don't like that teacher.
They three went to teacher, me and Garroth stayed alone.
"U-um abaut that wat K-kiki said, she j-just don't know what shes s-saying!"he stuttered.
"It'fine! She probobly was just joking."i said, but i didn't belive it. I actualy liked Garroth a bit.
Laurence's POV
I like Aphmau.
I like her, and i am going to tell her that.
In GYM I asked to her would she want to play tennis with me, but she played with Kiki, so i decided to play with Cadenza. Maybe shes get jelous, i hope she don't know that im Cadenza's brother. *sigh*
After school we walked home togedher and, guess what? We are neighbours!
Abaut my feelings.
I didn't told her yet.
Maybe tomorow...

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