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After four years of her dad's repeated abuse  the thirteen year old Acacia finally told her mother. Her mom, Cinder, being the best mom Acacia could ask for told her to pack her things immediately. But just as Acacia came down the stares there was the retched soul himself, her father.           That bastard just had to decide to show up at that freaking moment! The idiot had the nerve of ten elephants. Acacia thought. I mean come on any other time would have been just peachly perfect. BUT NOW! God I hate him.       That was the last thought Acacia had before everything went pitch dark.         When Acacia woke up  she didn't recognize where she was. The area was covered in tile and white with a television, and a curtain that was the palest and ugliest green she had ever seen. The room smelled clinical though. And usually after mother saw a bruise on my cheek she would take me to the doctors to make sure I didn't have a concussion or   aneurism, and so on and so forth.      So maybe I'm at the doctors or worse the hospital. Acacia involuntarily shivered. She hated the hospital. Who could blame her though? Her friend- No. She wouldn't think about it, she couldn't. First she needed to find out where she was, and why.       As soon as Acacia saw the ivy stuck in her, though, she almost passed out. She had an extreme phobia towards needles. But she held onto her composure somehow and pulled it out.     As soon as the ivy was out and all the clips were off she began to run, well kind of. It felt like she had been stuck in the, well where ever, for weeks, and hadn't moved an inch. She hobbled or rather wobbled past the door and went looking for someone- anyone really to find some answers. She bumped into a few people and tried to ask them where she was or what happened to her but they wouldn't answer her. When she spotted the reception desk she felt so relieved that she almost cried. Almost. Acacia never had liked crying because when she did her dad only beat her harder. But that's beside the point. The point is that she found someone who might actually listen to her. Yay.
When she reached the reception area her eyes immediately darted to the receptionist's seat. Acacia's heart sank as she realized that the receptionist wasn't there. Foowy. The receptionist is supposed to be behind the desk at all times. So unless a patient escaped she should be there. At that moment it dawned on Acacia. She was the escaped patient. So she must be in the hospital, but that still doesn't answer the question. Why? What happened to her?
The last thing Acacia remembers is her packing her bags to leave. Did her dad hit her? And if so where was her mom? And why wasn't she remembering anything? All very good questions which needed answered.          First she had to find her mom though. That was her top priority. Where to look though? Hmm? Acacia was pulled out of her thoughts though because someone had thrown her over their shoulder. Acacia was paralyzed by shock and fear. Had her dad came to beat her up for being at the hospital?       When the person laid her back on her bed she signed in relief, but felt a sudden twinge of annoyance forming in her synopsis's. She still needed to find her mom. Speaking of which.              "Um ... Sir do you happen to know where my mother is?" Acacia breathed shakily. " Yes. Would you like me to bring her here honey." The tall black man said in a Jamaican accent. " Y-y-yes p-pl-please." Acacia stuttered.       With that the man sauntered out of the room, to what Acacia hoped was, her mom.            
      When the man returned Acacia's mom was hysterically blubbering. " My baby. Your finally awake!" Mom squealed. Sometimes I just think that she's too happy. " What happened to me? And why am I in the hospital? And why don't I remember anything?"
Mom pouted." Well... Um.. How do I say this? Um..." " Mom spit it out." " Hey no need to get hate full." She said stalling. "Well your dad punched you so hard in the temple that you fell into a coma and have been that way for weeks. In fact it has been three weeks. I filed a restraining order against him, and am in the process of getting divorce papers. Oh ya one more thing. We moved to Montana. Your in there only hospital right now. And I enrolled you in school." I was tempted to point out to my mother that,that was definitely more than one thing but bit my tongue. I needed to stay quiet so I could process all this. I mean we lived in Florida and moved half way crost the country. Not to mention that I was in a comatose state for THREE WEEKS! Who wouldn't need time to digest it all?
Thank you for reading.

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