H for Hartley Chapter 8

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I'm doing another update tonight because I'm going away to an air show tomorrow -_-

woop de do.  *note the sarcasim*

So I made it a little longer, so technically THIS is TOMORROW'S update... Yep sorry for being confusing lol! :)


And I'd like to give a HUGE shoutout to KellaVance, who was being really sweet by adding comments to a lot of the chapters and voting and fanning...Thank you! You have no idea how good I felt after reading your comments. :)

Oh and shoutout to XxEternalBleedingxX too for fanning!

RIGHT enough of me and onto the the story! :D


School next day was ok actually. 

I didn't have any gym, which I wasn't good at so that was alright, and in Maths I could still sense James looking at me. He hadn't spoke a word to me. 

Was he avoiding me? What had I done? Had I upset him? 

We have Science next anyway, so hopefully he would talk to me then. 

As I walked along to the science corridor I spotted a familiar looking boy. He was wearing a blue checked shirt and had familiar shaggy blonde hair. He turned his head for a second and I noticed his blue eyes. 

I froze. 

It was the guy I'd met in the car park the night before. 

The one that...could have killed me. 

The one that some how stuck me to my car without touching me. 

I decided to go up to him and ask what was his problem. Not exactly a confrontation, but he couldn't do anything to me with everyone around, so I was safe. 

As I reached his locker, I took a deep breath and asked, "Do I know you?" 

His head turned to me and I might of have had a mini-heart attack. He was just as beautiful as I had remembered. He reminded me so much of James. 

He flashed a dazzlingly bright smile and replied, "I don't think so...but I'm Phillip." 

He held out his hand to me and I hesitantly shook it.

"Violet. But I was sure I had seen you somewhere..." 

"You must be mistaking me for somebody else," he smiled again while he let go of my hand and shoved it into his black denim jeans pocket. 

"Ok..." I muttered, "I'm sorry," 

"Don't be," he said quickly, "I guess I just...have one of those faces." 

"Maybe," I lied. Who was good looking like him? He was almost alien. 

He turned to his locker to shut the door and I saw him smiling under his breath. 

"I'm sorry but I need to head," he apologised once he faced me again, "It's my first day, and I don't want to be late." 

"No of course," I shook my head, "Do you know where you are going?" 

"I'll manage thank you," he smiled, "I'll see you around Violet." 

He walked away from me down the hall and I quickly lost him in the mess of people. Why wasn't he admitting he had seen me? Why was he blatantly lying? It's a mystery I'll tell you.  

The bell rang and I quickly made my way to Science. I tried to keep my mind off Phillip as I entered the Science room. I sat at my usual seat and waited for James to arrive. 

H for Hartley [EDITING, not updating until present chapters are re-written]Where stories live. Discover now