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"Wis sweetie. C'mon baby girl, I need you to get up for daddy." Sean spoke to his 15 year daughter as he tried to wake her.

"Wisdom baby girl, I really need you to get up." He tried again, this time with a little harder of a shake.

"What daddy? I'm trying to sleep." Wisdom whined as she turned in her sleep.

"Wisdom, get yo ass up right now!" Sean whispered-yelled at her.

"Yes old man. What do you wa-" Wisdom stopped talking as she saw her bags packed and by the door.

"Daddy what's going on? Why are my bags packed?" Wisdom asked nervously as she was fully awake now & starting to stand up out the bed.

"Baby girl, daddy done got himself into some deep shit so I need you to go and wake up the twins & your cousins & get them downstairs as fast as possible. Don't ask questions, just do what I ask & I'll tell you once we leave the house what's going on." Sean spoke sternly, but lowly to his daughter.

Nodding her head, she raced into her younger twin brother & sister room. Waking up the 7 year olds wasn't the easy thing, but she did it & told them to hurry up and get dressed. After handling them she went into her twin cousins room & did the same with them.

Once she felt as if she the kids were set, she hurriedly got them downstairs and searched for her ma & dad.

"Alright yall, move quick and don't ask any questions. Don't second guess what I say & don't make me repeat myself. The quicker we do this, the quicker this will all be over. Alright?" Everyone nodded their head once Sean finished addressing his family


"Daddy, I got pee & Sin won't stop kicking me." Patience or "Pat" complained to her father while he was driving them.

"Honey bunch, I really need you to hold it & sit back for me. I promise we will stop soon and I'll take you to the bathroom." Sean said to his youngest twin daughter & baby girl.

"Oh and Sin, please don't make me wake yo mama up so she can go back there and handle that ass. What I told you about kicking and hitting your sister? You don't touch her in any way like that. You understand me? Huh?" Sean spoke sternly to his older twin son & only son.

"Yes sir." Sincere or "Sin" mumbled.

"Y'all go to sleep, alright? We almost there." Sean told his kids. Even though his niece and nephew weren't his, he treated & loved them equally compared to his own kids.

"Pops, you know it's almost 3:30 in the morning? Excuse my pettiness, but why in the world of chopsticks did you wake us & take us on a road trip this early when we have school in the morning?" Wisdom asked her father while leaning over the armrest of the seat.

"Uh, baby girl, you know how daddy has a job & works all these long hours to make sure yall taken care of?" Sean asked his daughter, dreading having to tell her the full truth.

"Old man, if you don't stop talking to me like I'm Sin or one of them other knuckle heads. Tell me what's really up pops?" Wisdom asked her father in a bored tone.

"Look sweetie... My job requires me to do some real dirty stuff & shit I'm not proud of, but just remember I do it for yall." Sean paused & looked at his oldest child & the whole reason he joined this "job" of his. "In my line of work I've made many enemies & I got people gunning for my head... But because your pops is the shit, he not gone let anyone or anything hurt him or his loved ones. Alright?" He asked hoping to answer her question as well as he could right now.

Nodding her head, Wisdom slumped back in her seat & stared out the window.....


Feeling the car come to a stop, Wisdom woke up thinking they were finally at their destination, but that was the furthest thing from the reality.....

She looked back and saw her siblings sleep, but also saw a cop car. She made sure all of the youngsters were strapped & turned back around in her seat.....

But in the blink of an eye... The calmness of her world changed....

As soon as the cop asked for her father to step out the car, the first shot was fired

Wisdom watched as her father struggled to pull the gun from the waist band as he was shot another two times. By the time the third shot was fired, the kids were screaming and crying & her mother was rushing out the car to her high school sweethearts side. With all the yelling and screaming going on, Wisdom could only focus on her father and the blooding draining from his body. Shutting out everything and everyone, Wisdom climbed out the car slowly and walked over to her father on the ground as the cop car sped by her. With her cheeks stained with tears, she sat down on the ground next to her wailing mother, looking at her barely alive father.

"P-p-pops? Da-daddy?" She croaked out, watching his chest heave up and down as he struggled to look at her face.

"W-w-wi-wis." He started to choke on his blood heavily. "Re-rem-re-remember." He took a long pause to try and calm his breaths and stop his choking, but that only made it worse. "I l-love yo..." He trailer off as he took his last breath looking into his daughters eyes......

A/N: Her father Sean in MM

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