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"Seven! Seven! Little boy I know you hear me!" Willis yelled walking upstairs into his house, looking for the little boy

"Uncle Willis, you have to come and find me, that's the whole point of hiding. Duh old man." Seven yell backed to the man who practically raised him.

"You know something kid, I really do think this old age is starting to catch up with me." The old man, Willis, laughed as he tried his hardest to find the kid.

Willis, or Uncle Willis as Seven calls him, has always known the little boy. Hell, he knew him before he came into this world. Willis has been living in this apartment building his whole life, literally. He was raised only 3 floors above his head & has lived in at least 5 different apartments in the building. I guess you can say he just doesn't like new things, so 10 years ago when he found out his neighbors daughter was pregnant, he had a major fit. But once he got to know the teenage girl & her family he realized that the child coming to this world, wouldn't be coming into a loving one. So, he decided to make it his duty to help the the teenage girl throughout her pregnancy & once the kid got here, he would help out as much as possible.

When the kid, Seven, finally got here, Willis was overjoyed & extremely happy to see the kid all cute & small. But only after a few months of the kid being in this world, Willis noticed the teenage girl & her parents arguing more & getting a little more physical than before. By the time Seven was 2 years old, Willis was already used to having him sleeping at his house with him at night on a regular basis. Did he enjoy some nights? Of course, but Willis was still young & wanted to live his life, not babysit a kid who isn't even related to him. But I guess fate had a different route for him....

"Seven, kid, you're really getting good at this game. Let's take a break & get you ready to head back home. Alright kid?" Willis asked already knowing the answer...

"Uncle Willis why can't I just live here with you full time? I mean I'm already over here almost all day when I get home from school & all night when it's the weekend. Why not make it official?" Seven asked while slightly pouting.

"Kid, you already know why. Your mom just needs some help with you, but she won't ever let me have you here full time." Willis sighed hating that he had to sugar coat the truth for the kid.

"Help? Please, you raised me. The only reason I don't call you dad is because you told me not to. You're more of parent than her lazy ass." Seven mumbled the last part. "Ouch! Old man keep your hands off the goods." Seven rubbed his arm while frowning at the old man.

"What the hell I told you about the foul talk? Not in my house, got it?" Willis asked sternly. Seven nodded still frowning. "Now if you would please go pac...." Willis got cut off by the sound of a gun shots going off.

"Willis! Willis!" Seven yelled running to the old man. "Seven, listen to me, stop yelling and do everything I do. Okay kid?" Willis asked the kid trying to hide his own fear.

Nodding, Seven followed the old man throughout the apartment back downstairs to the door. Before either of them could open it, it's kicked in.

"Run Seven!" Willis yelled as they turned around & sprinted back upstairs to the furthest room from the steps. While running, Seven doesn't look back or ask any questions, he just pumps as fast as he can and sprints to the room and into the closet.

"Old man?" Seven whispered noticing that the old man wasn't behind him or in the room period. "Old man?" Seven whispered a little louder.

"Ahhhhh! Let me go bastard! Please, stop! Ahhhhhh!" Seven heard Willis yell from the hallway. Standing to his feet, he creeped out into the hallway to see a masked man holding a gun to the old man's head. With everything happening so fast, neither the gun man or Willis heard Seven in the hallway. They only saw each other & in a split second the one & only bullet fired was sent flying in Willis skull.

Seven stood in horror as he watched the only person he truly loved & who truly loved him fall to the floor and blood drain from his head. He was too shocked and scared to believe any of this was real & he completely forgot about the masked gun man who was debating with himself whether to kill the kid or leave before the cops came. Choosing the second option, the masked man took off down the steps.

Seven slowly stalked towards the lifeless body of his best bud, old man, and more importantly, his father in his eyes, the only man to care about him. The only person to talk to him & discipline him when needed. The only person to actually show him love & truly mean it in every aspect of the word.

"O-old m-m-man?" Seven croaked out as tears spilled from his eyes like a waterfall......

AN: Uncle Willis in the MM

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