Contest Winners!!

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Hey everyone! Finally after seeing loads of good art from
thenamesyuuki and @sakuramikami101
I'm pleased to say I have finally made up my mind! Thanks to all those that entered, even if you didn't win it was really fun seeing all your art. True, some of you guys need work on drawing, but that's what the contests are all about. Contests give friendly competition and also allows you too see just how far you can push yourselves. Actually, that sounds a lot like what my swimming coach says... Well anyways hope you all had fun and because of the success from this contest I am thinking about making a book just for art contests, so stay tuned for that. So what did you think? Do you guys like this system or do you think I could change it around? Tell me in the comments!

NOTE TO WINNERS: GIVE ME THE BOOK YOU WANT ME TO VOTE FOR AND THE REQUESTS YOU WANT THROUGH PM. I CAN'T KEEP TRACK OF ALL THE COMMENTS SO PLEASE PM ME. Also, as an addition to your prizes I'll also be giving out my comments on your art. I'm sorry, but I'll be a little more brutal than usual.......but it's constructive criticism!

Don't forget to vote!!

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