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Hey, it's me the author of "Game Jumped: At Fates End" and "Masquerade": Red Lyons... Now it's been a while since I've updated this story in particular and it's for a good reason. Lately I've been sick and I've had routine check ups for a serious illness I've gotten in the past couple of months. I don't want to go into too much detail but between that and school and everything in-between, I've not been able to get the story's out in time.
I want this story to come out strong and frankly, it's been terrible.... But I love it to death. I love this concept but I've carried it out poorly.
I'm not going to continue this story in particular... For now (details later). I'm still gonna keep this up and I'm gonna keep updating Masquerade but I have other things set out for future books.
As for Game Jumped, I have other plans for it. I love the plot but, the whole " game" idea just no longer makes sense any more to me and probably for you as well. I want to make the story different and make a new book about some of the same characters but not the "game" idea. I'm not quite sure how it will work out but just bare with me.
I'm also making story's with a group of friends on an account called "gffdcataa". It's me and a group of people making a collection of books just having fun for your entertainment. The group contains me, Clay Wolfe, Deoxys Speed, Libras Ballance, and a bunch more people so stay tuned for that.
I'm also gonna have a summer marathon were I'm updating thought out the summer break. Although I may go out of town, have check ups, or have summer classes, I'll still try and provide the reading craving you guys deserve. I'll post more on my wall explain it in more depth when the marathon is about to start.

I hope you guys understand why I'm making these choices. I should probably make a book about me making updates next time before dropping bombs like this... Well any way... I'm gonna let you guys go... I've rambled enough.


Game Jumped: at Fates EndWhere stories live. Discover now