Owning a Dog

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"Why are you even here you're such a midget !"

"You look so ugly, NO ONE WILL LIKE YOU"




"Why is it so smelly in here? Oh thats right she's here, the school will smell again THANKS TO YOU UGLY SMELLY TRASH!!!!"

While I was just walking down the hall everyone always sees me as a trash, but I never fought them back. Thank goodness even though some people treat me bad I still have one trusty friend.

While  I was walking  I saw my friend standing beside her locker getting her things, I called her and stayed with her while others are still bullying me, I really dont know how it started but I think since I was here everyone had always bullied me.

Im not a nerd, why do they bully me? I have a golden long wavy soft hair, my eyes are grayish blue, my eyelashes are long, I have no freckles, my lips are naturally red, and my skin color is white just like any normal student in this school.

"Hey ! Hey! You there??" My friend called me because I was staring at the floor for a while

"Sorry" I said.

"Its ok, c'mon hurry up we'll be late on our first subject"

Then we went to the room. While our teacher is discussing, every time that teacher turns around to write on the board, other students will throw me papers and they have mean words written on them. I can ignore what they do but I can never ignore them forever. It might seem that I really dont care but it hurts my feelings.

*bell rings*

Other students were rushing to the cafeteria though our teacher is not yet done talking, some teachers see me and my friend always the ones who are the last to go out because me and my friend respect our teacher, and the teachers appreciate what we do.

After our teacher told us that we can leave, we thank our teacher first and we left.

Jessica, my friend, and I went to the cafeteria, We looked for the food that we want, I dont have enough money so it was only Jessica who bought and ate her recess.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to buy you food?" Jessica asked

"No, :) im used to not eating recess, im okay thank you." I replied

"Ok then" Sometimes Jessica might look like she doesnt care, for example she replied "ok then" instead of her insisting me, but she just doesnt want to force people.

Other students are staring at me because maybe I dont have anything to eat but its okay for me.

Our class is done now and Jessica told me that her older sister will be picking her up.
Some minutes passed and we saw their car, its maroon and looks new they really take care of their things. Jessica's sister, Melissa, got down on her car carrying a cute shitzu. Jessica was so happy to see their pet.

"Hi ! Im Jessica's friend :)" I said

"Jessica tells story about you haha. Nice to meet you" Melissa replied

"WAA JAKKEE I MISS YOU SO MUUCH!!" Jessica shouted with excitement

"Its been a while when she last saw Jake because Jake was with me at my dorm." Melissa explained

Jessica hugged Jake and pet him, I can see how happy Jessica is on her face.

*Cough cough*
"Excuse me" I said
*cough cough*
'Ugh I hate it they cant know about this'

"Are you okay?" Jessica and Melissa asked

"Yes yes Im fine" I answered them

"Touch Jake he's so playful ^^" Jessica said

I pet Jake and I felt so happy because he liked it.

*Cough cough*
'Oh no'
*cough cough*

" Ok bye for now we'll be going, see you tomorrow ^^" Jessica said

"Ok *cough* bye see you" I said

We, Jessica and I, waved at each other while theyre going home. The time that they cant see me anymore because there was a curve I stopped waving and walked home.
I only walk because my house is near our school its just some meter away and good thing its not raining.

"Im home" I said

"Welcome home dear" My mom said

I went to my room upstairs to change my clothes. I looked at the time "5:50"

"Dear, dinner is almost ready!" Mom said

We usually eat dinner before or at 6 o' clock.

"Ok mom!" I said

Im so happy finally we didnt have any homework so I just went downstairs and helped my mom.

"How's school dear?" Mom asked

".. School was fine mom :)" I answered

"Great ^^"

After eating dinner I was gonna help mom do the dishes but she said that I dont have to because she wants me to rest but I stayed there and sat.

"Mom can we buy a dog?" I asked

"Why dear?" My mom asked me back

"So mom if Im not here our dog will guard you or if you have work our dog will guard the house." I answered

"Ok I think I still have money left ^^ so if I bought a dog there will be a witness who always eats the food in the fridge" my mom said in a joking manner

"Hahaha" we both laugh

"Ok mom thank you so much :) Goodnight mom"

"Goodnight dear"

I went upstairs and brushed my teeth. And then I sat down my bed.

*sigh* "Really, a dog. That dog will finally help me to not be bullied anymore.. :)"

Author's note

Ok haha so I hope you like it

What does she mean by "That dog will finally help me not to be bullied anymore"??

And why was she coughing ?

Be ready for the update and discover the answers to your questions :3

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