Chapter 9: Dinner with Uncle Bang Pt.2

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Rap Monster POV

Everybody was laughing at Jimin and JHope's conversation. I was laughing my ass off but then I realised that Uncle Bang might know something about our parents' death. He was friends with all of them before they died and I remember he told us stories about the past and their friendship but he never really talked about the actual death and who could have killed them. Earlier today JungKook and I killed 2 police officers with a bomb, the whole police department will just have one question "Who and why?".

They closed the case and never figured out the killer of our parents. Do they think they can  get away with it? Anyway back to present day. I just had to ask : "Uncle Bang do you know anybody that could be involved with our parent's death?" I'm so stupid. I thought I was helping but now I'm just so confused.

Everything went quite and we all stared at Uncle Bang. Even through he has his head down I could his face change from the smiling laughter to this angry person. He slammed his chopsticks and said "Let's not talk about this now or another time, I'll pay for the meal and I'll be leaving first" He said trying not to shout. We are all startled by Uncle Bang reaction and watched him leave the restaurant.

Maybe he doesn't like to talk about how they died. I shouldn't have asked. I just want to know why he won't talk about it and what he knows. It could just be that he's sad though. What have I done??

"Yah. Rap Mon it's ok. He'll get over it. I remember when all of us were little, I asked him a similar question. He got so angry, that was a month after they died. None of you would have remembered it, You were either too young or you weren't there at the time." Said Jin trying to comfort me. I don't remember that day but he's right. We were all so young. He's the oldest though and the luckiest because he has more memories of his parents than we do. The only thing that most of us actually remember was the screams that we heard that night.

There wasn't much that any of us felt like saying after Uncle Bang left. We all just ate our food in silent and kept our thoughts to ourselves. I feel like such a terrible person though.


When we walk home from the Korean barbecue restaurant everyone still remained silent. I think everyone is just confused about why Uncle Bang would get angry at us. I hope Rap Mon doesn't feel too bad about it. I would have asked if he didn't.

As soon as we got home V went directly to his computer. Aish. He shouldn't keep going to that thing. He should take a break once in a while.

"Hey guys, something doesn't feel right. Okay so you know how I said that a customer went to get a tattoo today. He works at NamSeon co. and he gave me a picture," Suga's saying as he is getting out his phone. "This picture. This woman is my mum." I look at the phone and then at the original photo of Suga's mum. They look so similar.  "I asked him who she was and he sounded like he loved her. He also said that she died 20 years ago and he misses her more right now. Something about his bosses becoming crazier about something they did. SoBek also said that no one will be able to figure out what they did. I called V immediately after. Did you find anything?" Suga called out to V.

"There's nothing much about this SoBek guy. I'm trying to trace any similarities between where your mother worked and where he worked." He kept typing onto his computer until... "Hey I found something. So your mother worked for KungJo right?" Suga nodded. "Well KungJo was just a manager at NamSeon Co. but SoBek did work with KungJo's department. With your mother. That has to be the relation. Jimin did you find anything new about NamSeon today?" asked V.

Jimin shook his head no but before he could say anything Suga interrupted him "No, there is a information. Because SoBek said his bosses are getting crazier about something they did."

"And that must have been why NamSeon had bodyguards today. Maybe they know something and he feels insecure" said Jimin. He started walking to his wall of NamSeon information and included this one. As he did this everyone sat in silence trying to figure more things out. I feel so useless since I don't have any information to share.

V broke the silence. "Yah, Jin I did some research on SungKi the guy you made a deal with. I couldn't find any relation to Mr.X but you said that he was talking about that SeongBang person right?"

"Yeah, SungKi mentioned that Mr.X and SeongBang worked together and had secret conferences every Friday." Jin replied.

"Well, I tried to track down SeongBang but he disappeared because there are no traces of his existence since 20 years ago, the day our parents died. It's like he vanished into thin air." Another wave of silence fills us. This is just such a shock. I know that what we want to do is to get revenge, but this is just another level of mystery.

"Guys I'm going to bed. You keep going and I'll just check on the kids first." I said feeling disappointed at my participation to this investigation. What am I actually doing to help. All I'm really doing is making money and taking care of kids.

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