Rachel- hide and seek.

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(remember. Carl is your name or u can
change it)

You Were watching T.V. Suddenly Rachel jump in front of you "HEY CARLLL LES PLAY HIDE N SEEK!!!" She Shout. "Ok you'll be it!" You said.. You hide under your room bed. "7...8...9...10!! READY OR NAWT?! HERE I CUME!" she Shout.

Rachy P.O.V
Dammit! Where is him?!! I checked ze Kitchen, my bedroom, the toilet, the basement, mimah room, aiden room and the training room!!! Wait... I HAVENT CHECKED HIS ROOM!!!

Carl P.O.V
Wow she can't find me!!! Will I WIN?! wait... OMG I SEE HERRR AHH!!!

Normal P.O.V
Rachel Went into Carl room. She was looking in le closet . Carl's nawt there. "Wher the he---" she heard Carl snickers.... She look under the bed. You get out " AWW U FOUND MEH DX" you say. "stfu u know it's hard to find u." she instantly kiss yah.

Carl P.O.V
... She kissed me *Faint*

Rachel P.O.V
Oops.... He faint

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