There are so many people around me, but only a few of them that keep stand and still for me in any conditions that I had. Sucks… indeed!! , tell me about that. So plenty of anguish, anger, hatred neither disappointed has finally in. And that is a life!
The fact is …
We are as a person; we are as a social being in our social common life, rejection and denial will always unacceptable in every issues of our life. And the question is How We Dealing with That? Both anger, neither hatred, disappointed nor happiness and succeed are so natural when it comes to us. And there is no one in this planet or in this earth that have rights to blame for having that kind of feelings. Because that is a life!
And so it is…, were dedicated…
For they who always said that the only matter from those kinds of condition that we have to do is …. Keep our mind clean and positive.
For they who always told me to do the best thing and positive acting out of all those kind of feelings in every issue that we have to dealt with.
For they who always reminds me that nobody says it will be easy, but it’s very possible to do, even you can make it through.
A few of them ….
There are so many people around me, and just like I've said before… but only a few of them that keep stand and still for me, to give their hands to hold and trust of believe in every issue that I’m going through.
And that is why…… I keep saying this word in every breath that I take, in every step that I have made… because of them, a few of them who I always adore… “Thank You and I love you!”
_With tons of expectation_