chapter one>

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sherlock's pov


"mrs.hudson have you seen john?" i shouted from the living room. no response.
i heard the sound of a voice being cleared. "she went out sherlock" said john, obviously annoyed judging by tone in his voice, body language and posture.
"oh hello john, i was just on the phone with lestrade, we have a case."
"i know sherlock, i was here and you had him on speaker."
i cleared my throat before speaking
"well, we are wanted at scotland yard, i have been summoned. grab your coat."
i heard i sigh from johns direction and turned around.
"wh- no, no. just ummm what sort of case?"
"serial killer. my constant craving. the girl was found dead on her deck. all doors were locked except one window that was broken and there are mens footprints inside, and gavin said there w-"
"pardon? greg, whos greg?"
"for christ sake sherlock lestrade! greg! not gavin. jesus."
"oh what the hell is the diffrence."i groaned, and continued talking as we walked outside.
"as i said, greg said there were traces of glass in her hair, so im assuming she had tried to escape from the window because the doors were locked and had no time to open them. no one locks their doors during the day; balance of probability, so it happened sometime last night."
"theres more john- TAXI!"
the cabbie pulled up and we hopped in.
"the killer left a box. anderson was the one they chose to look after it, so of course he was attempting to deduce, and somehow managed to break whatever was in it. there are only bits of white broken glass, but they ran tests , and the girl had a chunk out of that same glass in her mouth." i smiled and looked at john.
"we've got another" i said calmly and watched out the window as we arrived at scotland yard.

john's pov


we arrived at scotland yard as the tall man in the navy blue scarf smoothy made his way inside with long fluent strides, leaving me with no money to pay for a cab, as sherlock offered to.
"hey umm, i havent got anything, if you wait here for fifteen minutes ill pay double?"
"yeah whatever lad."
i walked quickly up to sherlock
"sherlock, you left me there with no money."
"sorry." he said emotionless
"yeah well youre paying double on the way back."
"what? why, no im not."
"yes sherlock, you are because now that cab will be waiting and ive told him youre paying double. you do this every bloody time, you will be paying that cabbie sherlock."
"no tell him im not paying"
"sherlock holmes get over there and pay that man."
"UUUUUUUGGGgghhhH" sherlock groaned and rolled his eyes. he marched over to the cab and threw free hand change through the window, and walked off.
"what the hell has gotten into you."
"nothing absolutely nothing i did what you asked."
"sher-" inhaled and exhaled deeply and walked away from the scene trying to avoid further conversation right now.
i walked to the back of the building and slid down the wall. i sat cross-legged and burried my face in my hands.
my mind travelled back to the first time i experienced the realization of loving sherlock holmes. it was eleven months of living together and i was out for a walk, thinking about whatever, what i was doing with my life then it hit me. like a brick to the face, what if im subconsciously in love with sherlock. now, at this time i had already come to terms with my sexuality; gay. i definitely was not comfortable with the fact, but i could no longer deny it. i walked into an alley alone and thought. about sherlock. about the potential feelings i had towards him, and hated myself for it. my mind snapped back to reality and where i was. i opened my eyes and let the tears flow freely. loud sobs to myself knowing that this secret would have to be kept my whole life.
i stayed for about ten minutes having my usual breakdown, then stood up, wiped my face dry so sherlock couldnt make any deductions, and ask what was wrong. as i stood up and rounded a corner, i ran into sherlock and inhaled sharply being startled.
"hello john."
i cleared my throat before speaking
"hello sherlock."
"where have you been, lestrade wanted you to look at something."
"im right here."
"okay, well lets go then."
i walked behind sherlock in silence to the morgue.
molly unzipped the black bag that held the body.

sherlocks pov


i stared at the body as it was being uncovered and got to work. her nails on her right hand were bit down and destroyed ; anxious. but her left nails werent chewed so she was right handed. the inside of her mouth was cut in diffrent places ; from the white glass. OH RIGHT, I NEED TO LOOK AT THE GLASS.
"wheres the glass what have you done with the white glass."
"anderson has it." lestrade spoke. UUUUUuuuuuuGGGGgHh. i rolled my eyes.
"get it. quickly."
lestrade walked off to get anderson, molly left to get crisps, and i continued observing.

johns pov


"got anything?" i asked sherlock
"a bit, shes right handed, definitely had to jump out of the broken window, but fell as she made contact with the wood of her deck. she broke her ankle in the process of escaping, so she couldn't run, let alone walk away from the intruder, leaving her hopeless on the ground as she took a single shot to the temple. the foot prints inside are an extreme advantage, which should minimize the amount of work needed by 75%."
"you're still doing that aloud you know."
and with that sherlock left with the white glass to examine it at the flat, as i sat in the living room with the news paper and tea.

A/N im going to try to update every week if i can, im a bit busy at the moment so sorry if i run a bit late. expected date for update: 13/11/15 Friday the thirteenth

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